Or, Learn Parkour: An ADHD Podcast

OLP 034: Get Rotated

In this week's episode, join Jordan and Lex for a seasonal special to celebrate a hallowed holiday in the OLP canon. Thanks for listening!

CW/TW: Mental health, ADHD, drug use, cannabis, coughing, loud noises, yelling


Cover art by: Krizia Perito

Theme: There Is A Dark Place

Wholehearted Production Co.





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Speaker 1:

There is a dark place, but I'm not going. No, no, no, no. My way there is a dark place, but I'm not going. No, no, no. My way.

Speaker 2:

Hi, I'm Jordan and

Speaker 3:

I'm L

Speaker 2:

And this is, or learn parkour,

Speaker 3:

A podcast about ADHD done by two people who have ADHD.

Speaker 2:

Well back baby.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. It's been a long while

Speaker 2:

Been a hot minute. We took a little spring break to go wild and Like go wild. Mostly stay at home. Cuz it's been cold as in Chicago.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. It was snowing like two days ago

Speaker 2:

And today it's gonna be like 80. So mm-hmm<affirmative> I don't know what to say about that.

Speaker 3:

This is a God forsaken city. I swamp mm-hmm

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

That's really in a front to the universe. Mm-hmm<affirmative> uh, in all fronts

Speaker 2:

Fully, fully.

Speaker 3:

So makes sense. Yep. Uh, yeah, but partially on purpose partially, just cuz we're forgetful. It's been a while. So we're back. And because coming back after a break can be hard. Don't tell me that you got back to school back in the day after like winter break or spring break and you were like, I'm ready to hit the ground running and like, excuse me. No,

Speaker 2:

Everyone. I'm not peak performance.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Everyone needs a minute. Mm-hmm<affirmative> so this week's episode has absolutely really nothing to do with ADHD at all. It's more seasonal topic. It is,

Speaker 2:

It is a seasonal topic. It is also abated birthday episode for relax.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. And I have ADHD. So like there you go. Boom. Yeah. Boom. There it is. It's all connected

Speaker 2:

All coming together. It's all

Speaker 3:

Coming together. Yeah. So this week we are talking about, you know, I actually, I kind of wanna, I wanna hear Jordan introduce it. Okay. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So this week in light of the anniversary of Lexi's entrance into the universe, which we are all very grateful for as well as the, just past holiday and hall day in the O L P cannon for 20,

Speaker 3:

For 20

Speaker 2:

Bla. It ORAS my mom says blaze. It love you, sweetie. Love your

Speaker 3:

Mom so

Speaker 2:

Much. I, I love my mom too.<laugh> I also love my dad.

Speaker 3:

No, I mean,

Speaker 2:

But in this

Speaker 3:

Love all our parents in this, in this household.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Um, but your moms, the only one who texts you happy four 20 blaze. It love you. This

Speaker 2:

Is true. Yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So in this, in this specific case, yeah, my mom's winning. Yeah. But in honor, of all of those things, we decided to open a conversation and have a little chat about out of every like celebrity who has spoken about having ADHD or a D D or any historical figure who people think, you know, retrospectively might have had ADHD who from that pool of people would be your dream blunt.

Speaker 3:

Rotation's an age old question. Really? You know, truly armchair philosophers have been debating this for centuries.

Speaker 2:

Truly there have been papers. There have been fights probably.

Speaker 3:

Yes. Quite

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I've been watching a lot of period dramas, everybody Uhhuh buckle up. Yeah. So we're gonna talk about the 88 D dream blunt rotation. Mm-hmm<affirmative>

Speaker 2:

Yes we are. Um, and to dive right into that topic as, as somebody who personally, uh, I was gonna say, doesn't agree with weed, but like that's phrasing it very wrong. I, I, I don't Disagree with weed. I'm not like a Mary Jane Tito. No, yeah. Not like a Mary Jane TTO over here, but we does not agree with me Uhhuh<affirmative>. So I do not partake, which means that Lex you're going to have to intro to me and the rest of our audience. What makes up a dream blunt rotation? What are, what are the characteristics you look for in somebody to be a part of your DBR?

Speaker 3:

You know, as spoken, this is a highly UN widely debated topic and truly, truly lots of people have different opinions on, um, what's the best way. I'm so sorry.<laugh>

Speaker 2:

There's many academic theory

Speaker 3:

To, So, uh, I have done no research because I'm gonna do this, the good old fashioned American way, by my own opinion and not alone.

Speaker 2:

<laugh> yeah, No, but there, there is like general criteria as to like what makes a person like good to smoke weed with? Right. Well,

Speaker 3:

So that's the thing, right? Is I say this basically the reason I say all of that beforehand is because I have decided upon on parameters that I believe mm-hmm<affirmative> to be the dream blunt rotation and what makes up a blunt rotation at all from there, you know, what makes it a decent one? Let alone the dream. Mm,

Speaker 2:

I see. I see. So there, there are layers to this. There are like

Speaker 3:

Onion, a blunt rotation. It's just basic, basic bare bones of it all. Yeah. For those of you who are either not of legal age or just, you know, were bullied in school and didn't get invited to these kinds of parties and that's okay.

Speaker 2:

But um, like me, you're in good company.

Speaker 3:

I'm here to, well

Speaker 2:

You're in company anyways. Go.

Speaker 3:

I think you're in good company.

Speaker 2:

<laugh> thank

Speaker 3:

You. Love you, bro. Love you, bro. So, so a blunt rotation is

Speaker 2:

So like somebody who can rotate hate the blunt through their fingers, like, like drumstick

Speaker 3:

That is a blunt rotate her.

Speaker 2:

Oh. Might be

Speaker 3:

Also the most annoying person in the rotation. Oh, okay. The type of person you would like to avoid.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm<affirmative> where do you think what's gonna happen? The, I mean, okay. Actually, no, I think the only exception to that would be if you're just gonna pull a really weird flex when you're ashing the joint. So mm-hmm,<affirmative> a blunt, a joint, a J a jazz cigarette,

Speaker 2:

A Adobe,

Speaker 3:

A Adobe. Yeah. Uh, a Roach. Is that different? A Roach is like, uh, partially smoked or was fully smoked. Oh yeah. Okay. So a joint or J or yeah, so, okay. There's paper inside of that paper that is rolled up into a tube mm-hmm<affirmative> is a lot of the little green dried out leafy bits from weed mm-hmm<affirmative> and you get all that good sticky icky in there, you wrap up the paper and you can make these big thick, thin, small, short, how you can make a blunt really to your liking Uhhuh. And you know, sometimes if you add tobacco mm-hmm<affirmative> in there that's AIFF

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Which is the way some, some people like to, yeah. I think that's like sort of more British thing. I

Speaker 2:

Think it, that might be a,

Speaker 3:

Like split is a British term, but I know the first time I ever partook it was AIFF. Mm. And that man who offered me a hit off of said spiff was decidedly, not British. Mm. Um, okay. I don't remember his name, but I salute you. You were really hot. God

Speaker 2:

Speed. Spiff, man.

Speaker 3:

And you started me off on a very strange path in my life.<laugh> The, to mention hot. You were also very hot. If you're out there in the ether. If you think that you're the person who gave me my first lift, maybe,

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Maybe, probably not. I don't know.<laugh> some dude at Western Michigan university whose name? I do not recall, but whose eyes are engraved in my memory. Wow.

Speaker 2:

That's really beautiful. I'm happy for you.

Speaker 3:

Oh, sorry. What? Thank you. Forgive me if

Speaker 2:

You're out there.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Weed boy,

Speaker 2:

Bring me trying to think of a word for weed. That has two syllables.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Gaza. There it is. Bring me

Speaker 3:

No me.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't rhyme though. Yeah,

Speaker 3:

But we can do whatever we want because this is the dream blunt rotation episode. Ah,

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Who's gonna remember if something doesn't rhyme in like the next three passes. That's

Speaker 2:

Fair. Okay. So, all right. Ground rules of rotating. The blunt have been established.

Speaker 3:

Doesn't matter if you rhyme. If someone starts singing. Okay. The Christian shedding with song mid blunt rotation,

Speaker 2:

Dually noted.

Speaker 3:

So that one's number one.

Speaker 2:

Now we need to know who are we rotating? The,

Speaker 3:

But that's the thing though? A blunt rotation. Yes. It's sounds obvious. But for those of you who don't know, it's when people sit in a circle or, uh, other sort of shape that is

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Round. Well, so that is, that is, uh, useful for, I'm trying to think of like a very specific word. That sounds really smart. And it's like,<laugh>, it's the one. So if it's useful for watch, someone's gonna, like, if we, we don't edit this part out, someone's gonna be like, it's, and they're gonna just be like, it's this

Speaker 2:

Word, please tell us if you know what it is. We're probably not gonna remember. Oh

Speaker 3:

Yes. Okay. I remember so okay. In, in, in a circle or roundish shape or whatever shape is most conducive to passing the blunt between participants. I

Speaker 2:

See there's a, an order

Speaker 3:

To it. Yes. And right. Similar to how the, how the church views, worship and prayer. You know, I believe that there's a it's it's not<laugh>

Speaker 2:

No, continue, continue. I wanna hear this

Speaker 3:

<laugh> okay. Sorry. So similar to, I thought of this ahead of time. I'm so sorry. This was meditated. Oh God.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

To how the church may look at two or more people and say, yes, that is where the church is gathered. Mm-hmm<affirmative> two or more believers in mm-hmm<affirmative> the body and the blood of Christ is to two or more. That's a church that's worship. Yeah. I think we could safely say that you can't do a blunt rotation alone. You have to have, have at least two or more people. Okay. In the rotation for it to be a rotation. Okay. That said, have I partake in a solo blonde rotation before? Yes. And I just rotate it back and forth between my hand and my mouth. Ah,

Speaker 2:

I see. Okay. So

Speaker 3:

I guess technically, you know, but, but it's an enigma, right, right,

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

We can't know these things fully.<laugh>

Speaker 2:

Great. Is, is there I do that does beg the question though, is there, to your opinion or, uh, Mary Jane standards, an optimal number of people in a blunt rotation

Speaker 3:

Now see, that is very subjective because it depends on the, the size of the blunt. So for our basic purposes, we will go with the average amount of grams of weed in a normal joint that is sold at any old dispensary okay. Across the United States. So that is the parameters that we're gonna work with in terms of what are we passing? What are we rotating? Okay. And so a joint is 0.3 gram. Okay. And so between a handful of people, that's really not a lot. Mm-hmm<affirmative>. And so I would argue that the dream blunt rotation is somewhere between three and six. Okay. Because if you're less than three, then you're just two people getting really, really up and having a great time. Probably, hopefully, fully, maybe mm-hmm<affirmative> and you are rotating it back and forth, but that's a lot of weed per person in one sitting. Okay. Three, you're gonna get a little weird probably together,

Speaker 2:

Like very reasonably baked.

Speaker 3:

Yes. Okay. Um, so three, I think if you're looking to get rowdier than usual okay. Would be sort of the ideal on that end. Okay. But I don't think any more than six is good. Right. Because six at the point is already probably too many people to actually fairly get enough blunt hits, but six is a great number in terms of aesthetic and uh, you know, golden ratios and whatnot. Right. And also

Speaker 2:

It's a very, very Renaissance

Speaker 3:

Sort of exactly. Exactly. You, you get it rotation. Yes. You know how it goes in academia, we see something from several centuries ago, we put

Speaker 2:

A, a spiral on it and we say. Yeah,

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah. And you know, and the back in the day they said, this is perfect. And we said, sounds good. And we never changed it. I questioned it. And here it is. Yes,

Speaker 2:

Indeed. Yes. My old Powell, old

Speaker 3:

Sport look at that square with some spirals and more squares in it. I like that one. It is really aesthetically pleasing. I'm not here to knock the golden ratio. I feel like there's gonna be some math nerds in the audience who are gonna be like, Hey, that's more emotional support. Golden ratio.

Speaker 2:

Vena was off the. He knew it was up.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, for sure. But so three to six. Okay. Because I think between there you get the optimal amount of, depending on what you're most in the mood for mm-hmm<affirmative> stoned and company

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Okay. Okay. And I think that each person in this blunt rotation has a role to play. Yes. Okay. And so I think three to six is sort of in that room. And so I wanna leave it up to you Uhhuh between three and six. What number in there feels best to you? Yeah. You know, mm-hmm,

Speaker 2:

<affirmative>, that's, I'm just trying to think through like, obviously as somebody who has never been a part of a blunt rotation, I'm guessing here based on movies, most like,

Speaker 3:

And living

Speaker 2:

With me and living with you. Yeah. I feel like I would want somebody who can like manage the snack situation. Who's like a good cook or like gonna,

Speaker 3:

Let me stop you there.

Speaker 2:

Not cook, but

Speaker 3:

Not necessarily good cook, but it's functional in a kitchen while stone. Yes. Yes. Yes. At the very least, if it's just a open the takeout boxes for everyone else, mm-hmm,<affirmative> just someone who is functional enough to prepare and bring food to the rest of us. Yeah. That sounds reasonable. Yes. And I also have that person on my list. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm<affirmative> somebody, somebody who can be in charge of the food situation, I feel like you need sort of like one outgoing, bold person and one outgoing, like really mild chill person. Mm-hmm<affirmative> to like keep the energy up, but balance.

Speaker 3:

Yep. Mm-hmm<affirmative> the instigator mm-hmm<affirmative> and the friend mm-hmm<affirmative> mm-hmm

Speaker 2:

<affirmative> mm-hmm<affirmative> and then probably one person who's like really good at rolling a joint.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. The actual weed man. The

Speaker 2:

Actual weed man.

Speaker 3:

Doesn't actually have to be a man, but the we man. Yeah. Yeah's the title

Speaker 2:

Like the same man or the moth man don't

Speaker 3:

Have no weed, man. Weed. Me, your man.<laugh>

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Bring me the Dan

Speaker 3:

Push the I've ever seen anyways.

Speaker 2:

Am I missing anyone? Well, okay.

Speaker 3:

So we've got snacks, we've got an instigator. We've got the actual person who brings in usually the same person rolls the weed. You've got the, the friend mm-hmm<affirmative> the friendly mm-hmm<affirmative> uh, or as I, you know, not to put a gender role on it, but the mom sort of friend, right?

Speaker 2:

The, the parental unit mm-hmm

Speaker 3:

<affirmative> who is also very outgoing and friendly, but chill and protective and safe.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Safe. Friendly. Yeah. So that's what, four, four,

Speaker 2:

Maybe one more person who is mostly quiet, but then just pops in, say off the things. I every so often.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So the fifth person is I would agree. Not integral to the experience, but always fun to have like the weed man's friend. Yeah. Or,

Speaker 2:

Or it really rounds things out. Like they're the person who's gonna SU suggest that you try something from the capable food person that you would never dream of.

Speaker 3:

Yes, exactly. And a sixth op okay. Is the newbie.

Speaker 2:

Okay. I'm assuming that's gonna be me and my blunt rotation. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm<affirmative> yeah. And I mean, I was sort of imagining if we go with six at the top number mm-hmm<affirmative> you automatically fill the newbie spot fair and I automatically fill the instigator spot.

Speaker 2:

Yes. Okay.

Speaker 3:

So that leaves us four spots to include people from both our lists.

Speaker 2:

So we need the food person, the weed man, the weed man's friend and the mom friend.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. And those are loose, right? Yes. I think those are sort of loose though. We say weed man or the mom friend. Mm-hmm<affirmative> it can be any person mm-hmm<affirmative>, you know, mm-hmm<affirmative> as long as it fits the vibe mm-hmm<affirmative>. And so by the end of this episode, we shall create the ideal ADHD dream team, blunt rotation.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Do you have any questions thus far based on the parameters that we've set out? Sure. In the audience, you may have questions, but I'm gonna ask you to hold them for after the episode, because we can't talk back to you.<laugh> so sorry. So that inconvenience of the medium, as y'all understand you, you

Speaker 2:

Know how this goes, we say our Twitter at the end of it, you know where to find this? Hopefully not to literally, but

Speaker 3:

See what you do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Anyway,

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

None so far continue.

Speaker 3:

Amazing. Okay. Well, shall we get to it?

Speaker 2:

Let's let's light it up.

Speaker 3:

Okay. I will be very honest with both of you and the audience. I started writing down my dream ADHD blunt rotation list. Mm-hmm<affirmative> I got about three people in mm-hmm<affirmative> and then realized that

Speaker 2:

You were too high

Speaker 3:

To finish it, maybe so<laugh> and then I forgot about it. Uhhuh<affirmative>. So

Speaker 2:

That's why we're here to Tom it out together, my friend.

Speaker 3:

So I feel like I should just tell you what my list is really quick just to bang out those.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Throw it at me those

Speaker 3:

Three or four that I got down. Throw it at me. Um, and, and these aren't uh<laugh> I, I think my brain, I was also including fictional characters.

Speaker 2:

Ah, okay.

Speaker 3:

Okay. Just because I, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Why the hell

Speaker 3:

Not? Yeah. And I also watched something recently that I was like, well, I, yep. We've talked about this character before on our podcast and I get this mm-hmm<affirmative> um, so the first one on my list, my dad

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

That was not at all what I expected. And I am more delighted that I can say, please elaborate on why your dad and what his role in the DVR is. Mm-hmm

Speaker 3:

<affirmative> so I love that you're calling it a DVR. It's very fun. Very white of us.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

I'm gonna stop calling it DVR

Speaker 3:

Then. No, I just mean like in the, like just giving it a acronym, like in the DBR, you know<laugh> so my dad mm-hmm<affirmative> Bob mm-hmm

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yes. My dad's name is Bob Flo bits. Mm-hmm<affirmative> he's been there since I was born mm-hmm<affirmative> he's my dad mm-hmm<affirmative> uh<laugh>. And my dad, to my knowledge, and from what he has expressed to me has never partake in weed, Excel up for on accident in college. When one of his college roommates had made some brownies. Ah, and there it is. Darrell, Bob didn't know mm-hmm<affirmative> that there were some things in the brownies that maybe wouldn't be super conducive to his studies at college mm-hmm<affirmative> and apparently he, he had to miss classes for like a couple days. Like he couple days he ate several brownies. Oh yeah. So that's the only time. And so for me, partially, it's almost like a, I wanna redeem this little plant for my father. And also my dad just says the craziest off the wall Uhhuh. So my dad would absolutely be the weed man's friend. Man's

Speaker 2:

Friend, Bob. Okay.

Speaker 3:

And that's not a stone, right? This is just my list. This is just my, my brainstorming list. That is only three people long. Great.

Speaker 2:

Well, there's only four spots to fill at this point.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, but you have a, a list too, that we need to look at and take seriously mm-hmm<affirmative> cause I, I would like to hear that because the second one on my list, your dad<laugh> Your dad's the weed guy.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah. The guy. No, no, no. Dad,

Speaker 3:

Your dad who asked us, you had a bong in the house and looked so disappointed when you said no. Oh my gosh. Oh, I forgot your parents. Listen to this podcast.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

I'm so sorry, Wes. I just think you'd be really funny and fun to smoke weed. This maybe we could listen to some mobi

Speaker 2:

<laugh> Oh no. I feel like, I feel like it would end up being like

Speaker 3:

The cure. That's what people like them listen to when they got high. Right? Not

Speaker 2:

Quite the cure. I feel like that's a little

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah. Cuz that song low that everyone's like, do you know which song I'm

Speaker 2:

Talking about? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. There we go. Soundtrack sorted. I feel like that's also a very important part of yeah. Dream blunt, rotation functionality. Yeah. Someone on tune

Speaker 3:

Music. That's

Speaker 2:

True. We need a knee. We need a knee to bang out the tunes.

Speaker 3:

Maybe seven. It is a really divine number.

Speaker 2:

It is prime. Feel like if it's a good enough group, you can have two blunts.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. No, in this instance let's bump it up to seven because this is the dream. Yeah. And we need a DJ. Yeah. And we will get to that. Yep. Because your dad is definitely the weed man. Again, we don't have to, these are not set in stone.

Speaker 2:

I'm loving it though.

Speaker 3:

Uh, so those were the first two that came to mind. Yeah. I wrote those two down Uhhuh. Third one and Shirley of green cables.<laugh>

Speaker 2:

And what, What role does Anne of green Gables fill in your dream? Blunt rotation.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Okay. All right.

Speaker 3:

She like canonically gets really good at baking. Okay. Because of a character that teaches her, how to bake and make food and stuff. I would have Anna Green Gables. And also, because I was trying to think of people who have ADHD canonically she makes a lot of food. She has ADHD. Whether they say it or not, I don't care what you think you're wrong. She has ADHD. Yeah. So you know, and when I think about title alone, mm-hmm

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Green Gables.

Speaker 2:

Oh, so green about it. Huh? Mm-hmm

Speaker 3:

<affirmative> you know, I always thought that Marilla and Matthew, the brother and sister who adopted her are way too chilled. Mm-hmm<affirmative>

Speaker 2:

<affirmative> they're farmers, right?

Speaker 3:

Oh they're they're farmers. They got lots of land mm-hmm<affirmative>

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm<affirmative> mm-hmm<affirmative> mm-hmm<affirmative>

Speaker 3:

Yep. Anyways. So I think Anne would be in there for me. Okay. She also is so smart and spews a bunch of that like no one else would even have to worry about like talking nice, but it could get annoying. So she's on the fence for

Speaker 2:

Me. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. That that's fair. That's fair. She's a possible food person.

Speaker 3:

That's kind of my that's as far as I got, so hit me with yours.

Speaker 2:

No, that's fair. Um, so let's see. We still need

Speaker 3:

Well, but I wanna hear cuz like these aren't set in stone. Remember? So like I don't need to hear all of yours, but

Speaker 2:

Let me take a look at my list.

Speaker 3:

I guess it is probably safe to say that our dads stay in. Yeah. So yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I feel like off the bat, Channing Tatum is my weed man. Yeah. Channing.

Speaker 3:

Tatum's the mom

Speaker 2:

Friend. Channing. Tatum's the mom friend. Okay. Yeah. Okay.

Speaker 3:

Friendly. Outgoing. Okay. But we'll take care of you. We'll make you feel safe. Okay. You're telling me you're gonna look at that jaw line and be like I'm scared. No,

Speaker 2:

No that's fair. It's

Speaker 3:

A protective jaw line.

Speaker 2:

That's fair. That is fair.

Speaker 3:

And also I just can't let go of the fact that your dad's the weed man.

Speaker 2:

No, that's that's fair food person. Hmm. Jamie Oliver feels like too easy of an answer. So I'm not gonna say that. Okay. I'm gonna say, oh gosh. Can

Speaker 3:

I just, can I hear your list actually? Let's just hear the list.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Okay. Simone by.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Okay. Solange mm-hmm<affirmative> Ty Pennington. Cool. Will I am JT Justin Timberlake. Mm-hmm<affirmative> obviously we got Channing Tatum. Emma Watson.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

This one was a surprise to me Zoe day. Chanel.

Speaker 3:

She's so quirky though.

Speaker 2:

I know. I know. Uhhuh.

Speaker 3:

Sorry. No hate to Zoe day Chanel.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. No, but here's the thing I'm I'm very curious about the difference between that persona and like Zoe Baja, blasted day Chanel, you know, that's

Speaker 3:

Fair. You know, see here's the thing, everyone you just listed off. I'm happy. Yeah. I'm content with that blunt rotation. But that's a lot of people and we would have to have several blunts.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah. No, this isn't everyone that I wanna include. These were all the

Speaker 3:

Options. No, that's what I'm saying. It's like, but, but I'm saying my problem is that I like a lot of them. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like I would happily smoke with any of them. I'm gonna, you know, who else has ADHD? Who? Dylan Playfair guy. Oh God, the guy who plays Riley in letter Getty.

Speaker 2:

He kinda has to be included. I think he, but here's the thing I'm gonna throw two, two more at you that are gonna complicate this. Okay. One Paris Hilton.

Speaker 3:

Oh no.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Who I feel like would be a classic weed man's friend. Yes. Because she'd just go off about like vintage radios.

Speaker 3:

She would,

Speaker 2:

And like dogs,

Speaker 3:

Auras. Someone would have a coughing fit just quietly in the corner. That's hot.<laugh>

Speaker 2:

See. See, and I'm so sorry for what I'm about to say to you, Victoria. PIRE.

Speaker 3:

Victoria PIRE has ADHD.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. She's talked about having a D D

Speaker 3:

Oh my God.

Speaker 2:

I know.

Speaker 3:

Oh no. What do we do?

Speaker 2:

I feel, I feel like my three off of that list are Channing Tatum, Victoria Padre and Paris Hilton.

Speaker 3:

Okay. But like the, the desire to also smoke weed with Simone Biles.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And will I am like, I'm like, will I am, do you wanna come do the music? Could, will I and be our music, man? I

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Should pokey show poopy show poopy.<laugh> here's

Speaker 2:

The thing

Speaker 3:

I said the

Speaker 2:

Music man. Here's no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm gonna let you have this because can you think of anything funnier than watching? Will I am seeing the music man, while you are absolutely space

Speaker 3:

Roasted. Oh my God. That would literally be the funniest fun. Will I am is there he's in I've I've decided I'm sorry. I'm over. No that's well also who else would be the, the DJ

Speaker 2:

Road? No, that's fair. That's fair. To be fair. Scary spice is also on the list. So I know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but I, I like will I am as a

Speaker 2:

Yeah. That's fair is

Speaker 3:

A, is a person who can give us the good music. Mm-hmm<affirmative>

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

All right. But that means we have to choose between my dad and Paris Hilton. Oh

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I know. What else could my dad do? Could my dad do anything else? Do you think? Okay. Here's something I will propose to you. Mm-hmm<affirmative> if we just decide to scrap the original parameters. Okay. For fun, because this is the dream and we include several different blunts. Okay. So that everyone gets plenty of the good stuff. Yeah. Could we potentially, I think have multiple of the weed man's friend archetype, the person who was there with a friend and will say some weird banana outta nowhere. And I would put to you that there are two at this rotation and they are my father, Bob mm-hmm<affirmative> and Paris Hilton hotel. Aris.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Does that sound good? Yeah. Just cuz how am I supposed to choose?

Speaker 2:

No, that's fair. I

Speaker 3:

Feel you tell me, how am I supposed to choose between my dad and Paris Hilton?

Speaker 2:

We'll put up a Twitter poll.<laugh> in most cases I would be hesitant to have to weed man's friends cuz that can get intense. But

Speaker 3:

That's what I'm saying is like,

Speaker 2:

But I think they'd play off of each other very well in this

Speaker 3:

Case. And, and I think it doesn't necessarily need to be the weed man's friends. Mm-hmm<affirmative> right. It, it could just be like, like I'm the instigator, but I brought my dad along. Yeah. I do love the idea of Paris Hilton being the weed man's friend and your dad being the weed man. And so your dad brought that brought Hilton. That's very good.

Speaker 2:

I love that for everyone involved myself, especially.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. That's amazing.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So will I am is our Neil banging out the tunes? Mm-hmm<affirmative> Channing. Tatum's the mom friend. Mm-hmm<affirmative> okay.

Speaker 3:

You're the newbie. Yeah. I'm the instigator. Mm-hmm<affirmative> so we just need the food person. I have a theory on this one. Tell me unless you've got a mm-hmm

Speaker 2:

<affirmative> no lay on, on me.

Speaker 3:

So this is a reach, but I want her to be there. Yeah. Victoria Padre, as

Speaker 2:

The food person,

Speaker 3:

As the food person,

Speaker 2:

I'm sure she had to learn how to do. She had to learn how to do of, of the season two.

Speaker 3:

She had to have learned so much stuff for and season three. Yeah. Cause she cooks in season three too. Yeah. Yeah. It's like less cuz they have like a baby and stuff. Yeah. I'm gonna say that. She's the food person and Victoria Padre, if you, for some reason, end up hearing this and you can't cook. I'm sorry that we've put you in this position. Can you just bring us some snacks?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. You don't have to cook. You just have to be functional enough to make food happen. Yeah. Um, whether that's making it, whether that's assembling ingredients

Speaker 3:

And then just like politely ignore the way I am staring at you. Mm-hmm<affirmative> while stoned, outta my mind.

Speaker 2:

It's very respectful. I promise

Speaker 3:

It's really it's full of respect and adoration. I

Speaker 2:

Promise. Yeah. Yep.<laugh> or if it's or if it's just to call the delivery person and go down to get the food, we will all owe you our lives for that or less. You can have, you can have it. You whatever you want ma'am anything. Okay. Okay.

Speaker 3:

So is that

Speaker 2:

Where Simone Biles,

Speaker 3:

Do you think she'd be in the mom friend category or the instigator? That's a

Speaker 2:

Tough question.

Speaker 3:

I hesitate, but I feel like it's me Channing or Simone. I don't like that. I don't like choosing between the three of us.

Speaker 2:

I don't think you have to choose. I think it's a question of if we're just including everyone. Yes. Who is going to be like the best combo of like you and Simone Biles as instigators or Simone Biles and Channing Tatum as the mom friends. And I'm saying it out loud and I'm fighting with the second one.

Speaker 3:

Same. Although I would absolutely love to get up to some mischief with Simone.

Speaker 2:

I mean you still get up to mischief with Simone Biles, but safely but safely. Yes mm-hmm yep, yep. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

All right. So let's list that off then. Let me hear it.

Speaker 2:

So we have in our or park core dream ADHD, blunt rotation. Mm-hmm<affirmative> as the mom, friends, Channing Tatum and Simone Biles.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

As the food person, either Anne of green Gables or Victoria Padre.

Speaker 3:

Oh, scratch am sorry. You're fictional. It's Victoria Padre. It's just it's

Speaker 2:

It's always Victoria

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm<affirmative> in this house. Yep. Weedman. My father mm-hmm<affirmative> wait a second. I realized a problem. What? We can't invite my dad and not my

Speaker 3:

Mom. Yeah. Same with my mom. But like that's the

Speaker 2:

Thing. Does your mom want to come though?

Speaker 3:

Here's the thing. If we were having a big party like that, I think she would have to. Right. If my dad was actually to the point where he was gonna smoke a blunt, my mom would also have to be. Mm. You know

Speaker 2:

What I mean?

Speaker 3:

I see. Cause neither of them actually want to at this point in their lives. Okay. So

Speaker 2:

See, the thing is, is, like we said, at the top of this episode, my mom is the one who texts me and says happy four 20 blaze. It loves my girl. Mm-hmm<affirmative> so

Speaker 3:

Your mom and dad are the weed man. My

Speaker 2:

Parents are the,

Speaker 3:

Your parents are the weed man.

Speaker 2:

Great, great. Uh, my mother and father as the weed man. Mm-hmm<affirmative>

Speaker 3:

Friends of the show. Yes. Friends of the show. Former guests.

Speaker 2:

Yes. Yes. Uh, go check out that episode and then think about smoking weed with both of them.

Speaker 3:

I can't wait for all day<laugh> personally.

Speaker 2:

Honestly. Yeah, no that's fair. Okay. But as the wheat man's friend, we have both your father, Bob mm-hmm<affirmative> and Paris Hilton.

Speaker 3:

That seems correct.

Speaker 2:

It does. Mm-hmm<affirmative> I'm the newbie match Uhhuh. You're the instigator match. And then the DJ is will I am wait

Speaker 3:

Where? Wait a minute. Hmm. Dylan play fair.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Where does he go? Go. I

Speaker 2:

Feel like, hear me out. This might be a little bit out of the bounds of a blunt rotation, but it it's an element of the experience I'm

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

He just shows up the late of the night and nobody knows who he knows.

Speaker 3:

You're right. I cannot believe I've forgotten such a crucial. Sorry. I cannot believe that I've forgotten such a crucial part of my research. The thing

Speaker 2:

Of course

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Will, will I receive a dedication in your manuscript?

Speaker 3:

Oh, not just the manuscript, but the finished product. Oh

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Sir. Good. So you flat on me so anyways, not to get too emotional

Speaker 2:

And last, but certainly not least the rando Dylan Playfair yes.

Speaker 3:

Oh, so good. My evidence for him is that my cousin once met him and some of the other people of the cast of letter Kenny and saw them smoke weed.<laugh> so come on in bud. And I know you have ADHD, he's talked about it. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And, and weed's super legal in Michigan, so

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's fine. Yeah. Yeah. It's fine. Great.

Speaker 2:

Cool. I think we've come up with a very good list.

Speaker 3:

I think we have too. I'm kind of blown away.

Speaker 2:

Well done us

Speaker 3:

Well done us,

Speaker 2:

Man. Oh,

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Job. If I ever Smoked weed or knew a bunch of celebrities sounds like a dream. This

Speaker 3:

Is all around 10 outta 10. Mm-hmm<affirmative> happy. Happy to be here.<laugh> welcome. One at all. Great, cool

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Happy belated. Four 20. Shall we do some, some quick DTS?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Just in case for some absolutely bizarre reason. This is the first episode that you're tuning into. Woo. And you've stayed this long. Uh<laugh> the dopamine trampoline is a segment that we do at the end of each show where we just talk about something that is bringing us dopamine mm-hmm<affirmative>, it's making us happy. Something that we've enjoyed or spent a lot of time on recently, or it could be a throwback, like something that we hyper fixated on as a kid. Uh, something that's just getting us through the day, uh, or what have you. So let's bounce on over L what's your DT this week. So,

Speaker 3:

Uh, I'm gonna hop on up there onto the trampoline and uh, tell y'all a little bit about something that I, I kind of wanted to just, okay. Yeah, no, it. I just was watching this recently and I was like, yeah, I'll talk about that. Great. Uh, if you know me, you know that I, I love, love, love some good reality television for the good reasons, the bad reasons I will watch all of it. Whether it's a, whether you wanna refer to it as a guilty pleasure or not, I don't feel very guilty about it. But, uh, I feel like that's sort of the general to term that I would've put it under mm-hmm<affirmative> just because I know that the people in these TV shows are not doing things that normal people should do to each other a lot of the time. And it's not a good example to live by, but God it's so funny. Oh my, like I can't like, I, I just love a good trashy reality TV show. Mm-hmm<affirmative> mm-hmm<affirmative>. And so, uh, this is probably mean, and if any of them ever found out, I would be very scared of them, but the cast members of selling sunset. I mean, if you heard me say that your show's trashy and that you're trashy that's, please don't hurt me.<laugh> please. But selling sunset is a, a popular show on Netflix. So I'm sure a fair amount of you have seen it before mm-hmm<affirmative> or at least heard of it. Mm-hmm<affirmative> it is a reality television show featuring the Oppenheim group, which is a real estate agency in Los Angeles, California mm-hmm<affirmative> um, and it's a really high end Realty company, brokerage firm, whatever the hell. So it's not just about out all of these like exorbitantly expensive homes mm-hmm<affirmative> and like mansions in the Hills, you know, like there's all this stuff going on there, which is very interesting, but also all of the real estate agents at the Oppenheim group are young, wealthy, hot, uh, where like five inch heels everywhere and like sell these multimillion dollar homes, like every day mm-hmm<affirmative>. Um, and they have quite a bit of drama amongst one another.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you don't say mm-hmm

Speaker 3:

<affirmative> and there's five seasons started in 2019. Mm-hmm<affirmative> uh, and it's dropped the latest season pretty recently and there's a reunion dropping in may. Oh, nice. I'm excited to watch. Um, and I just caught up with the most recent season that dropped on Netflix. And let me tell you, this show is just worth nothing. Like there's nothing in here that is of any value to me or anybody else really? That mm-hmm<affirmative> I can see mm-hmm<affirmative> I say that lovingly with, with the understanding of the value is joy mm-hmm<affirmative> and laughter mm-hmm<affirmative> and maybe some like cathartic rage at how rich people behave sometimes. Yeah. Um, but also it's just funny. It's like very interesting to watch these people just go through their lives and I don't know something about it just really hits and it really gets me. I mean, when I was younger, I used to watch, um, like Jersey shore and the real world and like the bachelor. I mean, I still watch some of those that are still on. Yep. Um, you know, love survivor, like reality, reality TV. For me, it really gets it. But sunset has just been scratching an itch for me lately. It's just stupid meme, rich people. Oh wow. Selling big fancy things while the rest of us are just quietly rotting. Mm. You know, it's like some, sometimes I'm like, this is just criminal. Yeah. Like this is really criminal, but I can't stop watching.

Speaker 2:

Is it, is it this same realtors every season? Or is it like a different group of people?

Speaker 3:

It's the same ones. I mean, new people come in and get added to the firm and stuff.

Speaker 2:

Sure, sure.

Speaker 3:

But it's, that's pretty much it that's, there's some dogs which

Speaker 2:

Are cute. Nice. Okay. Okay. Love that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Selling sunset. What a, what a show

Speaker 2:

Do you any like favorite realtors?

Speaker 3:

I will say between Christine and Elle. I definitely in real life would probably be more on the side of Elle mm-hmm<affirmative> but as a viewer, I'm obsessed with Christine.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Christine Quinn is like the villain. She's the primary antagonist the entire time. Basically.

Speaker 2:

Christine Quinn sounds like a villain name.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Um, and she is the one who, if any of y'all saw<laugh>, uh, screenshots from a TV show or gifts from a TV show where a very beautiful tall blonde pregnant woman had a bag. But instead of a bag I get was just like one of those chains with a chair on it. Oh. And then like, yeah, that's her.

Speaker 2:

Okay. I feel like I understand a lot more now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So I love this show and I, I think I would probably poop my pants if I met Christine Quinn in real life. Cuz like, if you ever listen to this podcast, like years so intimidating and I know, you know that, um, but also like, oh my gosh,

Speaker 2:

Follow, follow up question. Hmm. Did the chair like have pockets?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

It's just for fashion. It doesn't hold anything.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

She sit on it? No. It's like a little chair purse. So it's like a purse chair.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So it is not the size of a chair. It is the size of a purse. It's the size of a purse, like a purse. You can't

Speaker 3:

Put just a little

Speaker 2:

Like anything in it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. It's just like a like diamond en crusted folding chair on a chain that she's wearing like a purse and the person that she's mat is like, what's that forward? She's like it's fashion. It doesn't hold anything.<laugh> somehow you can see why I am obsessed with her. But also she's really mean and has done some really awful things if the editing is to be believed. So again, I would be very scared to meet her in person also like the audacity to just walk around and behave the way she does. I can't help, but admire it, you know, Uhhuh. Do you know what I mean? Does that make sense? Like at some point you kind of just look at people and you're like, you're a cartoon villain and I just have to respect the fact that you've committed that hard.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. That's

Speaker 3:

Fair. Yeah. It's fun to watch. Yeah. Selling sunset, Netflix. Five seasons

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

What's yours.

Speaker 2:

All right. I'm gonna throw it in reverse here for a second and just go the complete opposite way. My dopamine trampoline this week are Rainier cherries.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Which

Speaker 2:

Are my favorite variety of Cher.<laugh> yeah. They're also at this point, grown in Oregon and California while they do to some degree ship them out. But they're much more common on the west coast than they are the rest of the United States, because they're harder to ship. They're much more delicate than like dark sweet cherries of other varieties. But if you've never had a Rainier cherry, they're a really, really beautiful, like light yellow color with sort of a pink, red blush on it. So they're not that dark red of, you know, when you think of cherries, they're originally a cross between the Bing and the van cherry. And they were developed at Washington state university in 1952. They're very tasty. The flavor is sweeter than a standard sweet. The acidity is lower and the flesh is like a little bit more tender. So they, you know, they taste more sweet cuz they don't have the acidity to balance, but they still have enough of it that they're like, they're perfect. They're pretty much just eating cherries. They don't need sugar. They don't need to be in a pie crust. They don't need anything like that. Just they're they are true. Like the perfect eating cherry, especially in like where I grew up. Mm-hmm<affirmative> they tend to be ready to harvest. Like mid-June I wanna say, I think this season, depending on where you are on the west coast, like in California, you can start getting them late may.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. I mean cherries are famously fickle trees.

Speaker 2:

Yes. Yeah. And with these ones too apparent about a third of the crop every year is just eaten by birds.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm<affirmative> too much rain, too much sun birds, not putting enough specific chemicals on putting too many mm-hmm<affirmative> like cherries are truly so fickle. Yep. That's why they cost so much.

Speaker 2:

Yep. If they have rain sitting on them for too, too long at the wrong time they explode mm-hmm<affirmative> um, so that's another fun fact. If you've ever like driven past a cherry orchard and they have those big fans mm-hmm<affirmative> has to blow the rain off of them. So they don't explode.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Yeah. They split. Yeah. It's probably a more,

Speaker 2:

Probably more accurate. Yeah. But much less fun,

Speaker 3:

Much less fun. I feel like I'm adding a lot to your DT right now. No, I do.

Speaker 2:

I'm the one who has like cherry trees.

Speaker 3:

Well, I don't have them, but my family has a farm and like has some cherry trees had a, used to have a lot more and like we have a cherry pad and I grew up working there on the summer. Like<affirmative> working on the cherry pad during the summer strain cherry harvest mm-hmm<affirmative> but we have like dark cherries, sweet cherries like that. So, I mean, I also think that they're the perfect eating Cher, but I also am like not picky. I will eat right near cherries too. And cherries

Speaker 2:

Just cherries are across board. Mm-hmm<affirmative> amazing. Mm-hmm<affirmative> yeah. Cher seasons coming up and like less than a month, a month,

Speaker 3:

I would guess. Given how cold it's been across the board a little bit longer, probably a little bit longer. We'll see. I mean, I know like Michigan used to be huge for cherries mm-hmm<affirmative> like there's a cherry festival up in traverse city, Michigan mm-hmm<affirmative> but like you can't really grow cherry trees up there anymore because the climate's become too unfriendly to really get an actual profitable crop, I guess. Yeah. Would be the way to put it. So, but that's it if you're like, why is L so knowledgeable about agriculture? That's why, um,

Speaker 2:

Your family like kind of has a farm or whatever.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. I grew up, you know, free range, farm bread, corned mm-hmm<affirmative> et cetera. Mm-hmm<affirmative> so keep telling about these cherries or was that kind of it,

Speaker 2:

I mean, that's mostly it. I just, I love eating them and they always remind me of, because you know, the season in Washington at least is early to mid June, usually mm-hmm<affirmative> that was always like Memorial day into the end of the school year and their

Speaker 3:

Birthday day, season

Speaker 2:

A birthday season. Not quite that late, but it was that very like beginning of summer. Yes. And they, they grow so much around my area that people just sell them, like on the side of the road mm-hmm<affirmative> for like five bucks a bag and some places you can even go and they will let you pick your own mm-hmm<affirmative> that's always delicious. Just like nothing beats, still sun warm, fresh Rainier cherries. Mm-hmm<affirmative> they just taste like summer to me. And I was thinking about'em because it's starting to feel like spring here in Chicago.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm<affirmative> you picked up some cherry tomatoes for me at the store

Speaker 2:

Today. I did. Thank you. You're so welcome. You're sure

Speaker 3:

That, um, didn't have anything to do with it, but I,

Speaker 2:

It didn't I'm sorry. No cherry cherry. It's

Speaker 3:

The words right there. Uhhuh. My D and D character's name is cherry.

Speaker 2:

That's true. I got that pineapple upside down cake ice cream that has cherries in it. Yes.

Speaker 3:

We are just cherries all the way down.

Speaker 2:

We are. There we go. Yeah. Rainier cherries. If you ever on the west coast or they make it out, they don't travel super well, which is why they're not as common around the rest of the states. But yeah, if you're ever like in the Yakima valley or something, get some, you won't regret it. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm<affirmative> well, thanks. Of

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Y eah. Cherries.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Cherries.

Speaker 3:

Shall we wrap this up?

Speaker 2:

Let's do it. This has been or learn parkour from wholehearted production company.

Speaker 3:

You can find us on Spotify, apple podcasts, uh, Stitcher, really anywhere that cool people can find podcasts

Speaker 2:

Special. Thanks to Grisha Perri for our wonderful cover art. And you can find her at pet hop that's P E T a L H O P on Instagram, Twitter and Etsy. Thank

Speaker 3:

You also to Tom Rosenthal for our theme song, there is a dark place off of the album. Keep a private room behind in the shop.

Speaker 2:

You can follow us on the so Meads we are@orlearnparkourontwitteratwearewpconinstagramandatwearewpc.com

Speaker 3:

Can find all those links as well as links to sources and transcripts. In our episode description,

Speaker 2:

If you enjoy this podcast and want to hear more, click follow, click, subscribe, whatever the button on your platform of choice says and

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

It, do it now, push it,

Speaker 5:

Push it, push it to the limit for, to win, win it and to win it. Oh

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Okay. If you would like to start a podcast of your own and have your own Disney channel, original movie sing alongs, you can click the bus pro affiliate link in our show notes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. I mean like if we can do it, so can you that's

Speaker 2:

True. The bar's never been lower. My friends, uh, you get a sweet little deal on podcast hosting from buzz, bro, who are like super rad. We've loved, uh, hosting our podcast with them and we get a little bit of money to keep the lights on and you get the, the joy and the honor of knowing that you've supported our indie little show. Mm-hmm

Speaker 3:

<affirmative> yeah. And if that's not enough for you, you need more to do. Cause you're just a little, do you gooder<laugh> you could also support the show by sharing with a friend, family, enemies, classmates strangers on the street. Literally. Anybody tell people about our show, please. It is called or comma learn parkour, please.

Speaker 2:

It's about ADHD. If you haven't gotten onto that yet,

Speaker 3:

You know, we're doing our best, please share. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Thanks guys.

Speaker 3:

And if you're really feeling flirty, you could also donate to our COFI, which you can find a link to on our website, Twitter and Instagram.

Speaker 2:

Yep. You sure can. Cool. Is there anything else we wanted to say?

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean, I guess I would just add, you know, now that we've said it, like now that you've sung a song, Corbin blue, do you have ADHD? Cause if you do, I would add him to the blunt rotation in a heartbeat. Oh, for

Speaker 2:

Sure. For sure. I feel like just having a bla conversation about the Wikipedia article situation alone would be hours of entertainment

Speaker 3:

You would just to, you know what, that's how we see God.

Speaker 2:

There we go. I'm Jordan,

Speaker 3:

I'm L

Speaker 2:

This is Ben or, and park. We'll see you in two weeks. No, at amazing.

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