Or, Learn Parkour: An ADHD Podcast

OLP 004: Not My Piss President

August 31, 2020 Season 1 Episode 4
OLP 004: Not My Piss President
Or, Learn Parkour: An ADHD Podcast
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Or, Learn Parkour: An ADHD Podcast
OLP 004: Not My Piss President
Aug 31, 2020 Season 1 Episode 4

In episode four: We hack into the mainframe of the ADHD brain, look at the common (and not so common) ways others treat and cope with ADHD, and answer our first listener questions! Tune in to hear mouth noises that violate the Geneva Convention, a couple cans of La Croix, and where all the hot singles in your area actually are.

Thanks for listening!

CW/TW: Mental health, ADHD, Mild Language, Brief Mention of Suicide, Homeopathy, Medication, Loud noises, Bodily Humor, Mouth noises, Irreverent Humor, Brief Discussion of 2020, Naruto


Cover art by: Krizia Perito

Theme: There Is A Dark Place

Wholehearted Production Co.





Mental Health Resources:








Show Notes Transcript

In episode four: We hack into the mainframe of the ADHD brain, look at the common (and not so common) ways others treat and cope with ADHD, and answer our first listener questions! Tune in to hear mouth noises that violate the Geneva Convention, a couple cans of La Croix, and where all the hot singles in your area actually are.

Thanks for listening!

CW/TW: Mental health, ADHD, Mild Language, Brief Mention of Suicide, Homeopathy, Medication, Loud noises, Bodily Humor, Mouth noises, Irreverent Humor, Brief Discussion of 2020, Naruto


Cover art by: Krizia Perito

Theme: There Is A Dark Place

Wholehearted Production Co.





Mental Health Resources:









[Intro Music: There Is A Dark Place by Tom Rosenthal].

Jordan (00:00:28):

Hi, I'm Jordan. 

Lex (00:00:29):

And I'm Lex. 

Jordan (00:00:30):

And this is, Or, Learn Parkour. 

Lex (00:00:32):

A podcast about ADHD by two people who very much have ADHD. 

Jordan (00:00:35):

We've got a brain full of it, ADHD and not much else. 

Lex (00:00:39):

There's also like, I don't know. There's some other stuff in there, like Mitski lyrics. 

Jordan (00:00:43):

Very strong opinions about great flavor. 

Lex (00:00:45):

A lot of brain space dedicated to, like, baked goods. 

Jordan (00:00:48):

Ooh, yes and fun facts about baked goods. Like did you know that vanillin which is the flavoring that is used to make artificial vanilla is not from vanilla. It's actually from wood, like tree wood. It's called vanillin. That's great audio. Fantastic. Are you doing that so we'll have to cut this? 

Lex (00:01:09):

No, I'm hoping that we can just tag it as bad mouth noises. 

Jordan (00:01:14):

Mac and cheese mouth. 

Lex (00:01:15):

Yeah, but that's not even Mac and Cheese mouth. That's just me purposefully making some like Bissell vacuum noises.  

Jordan 00:(01:22):

-absolute walnut on purpose?

Lex (00:01:23):


Jordan (00:01:24):

Thank you for that. 

Lex (00:01:25):

I love trees. 

Jordan (00:01:26):

Trees are great. 

Lex (00:01:27):

You ever just want to chew on wood? You know? Like the pencil biting and pencil, chewing instinct. It comes from somewhere. 

Jordan (00:01:34):

I never wanted to chew on pencils because of the paint and the paint would flake and it was upsetting to me. But eating a handful of bark sounds very satisfying. 

Lex (00:01:44):

Like eating or just chewing on? 

Jordan (00:01:45):

Just, I guess, chewing on. 

Lex (00:01:47):


Jordan (00:01:47):

Just kind of ruminating, doing the cow chewing. 

Lex (00:01:50):

No, I liked- I specifically like having a stick I'm holding onto the stick and I'm just gnawing on it, like a feral dog. 

Jordan (00:01:58):

The canine instinct. 

Lex (00:01:59):

The cane instinct.

Jordan (00:02:02):

And then you use the stick to stab your brother. 

Lex (00:02:04):

Yep. Sorry Adam. 

Jordan (00:02:06):

Sorry, Ross. I'm not going to stab you, I promise.

Lex (00:02:09):

I mean, one time my brother held me down and farted on my head so like TBD I might. 

Jordan (00:02:14):

That seems like completely, completely even, and just retribution for getting farted on.

Lex (00:02:18):

Oh yeah. Just a little stab, little stabby stab. 

Jordan (00:02:21):

Little stabby, stab. 

Lex (00:02:24):

Like a chewed on pencil. 

Jordan (00:02:23):

Do we want to do a podcast now? 

Lex (00:02:25):

We could do a podcast, I suppose. Thank you all so much for tuning in just to cover some bases real quick. So last episode, I did talk about a old YouTube video and I have heard some feedback and I hear you and you're right. I definitely should have forewarned everyone. That video has not aged well. And so if you do want to watch it do so at your own risk, there's a lot of racist and homophobic, uh- not even overtones, just, uh, content. 

Jordan (00:02:55):

Straight content.

Lex (00:02:56):

Yeah, which to be fair- 

Jordan (00:02:58):

To be fair-

Lex (00:02:59):

To be fair. I, um, forgot because I had meant to like, watch the video before talking about it as a means to an end, to talk about psychedelic drugs. But I didn't watch the video. I just watched another video about the real story behind the video and heard about Dan Deacon and stuff, which like now in hindsight, I'm like Dan Deacon, what were you doing? Dan Deacon. Why? But, um, just as a like, blanket term there, I was not saying that you should all watch that. I was not saying that it's worth watching.

Jordan (00:02:57):

We're not supporting any of the things expressed in that video.

Lex (00:03:31):

Yeah. It just is a cornerstone of my personal adventure in understanding psychedelic drugs so-

Jordan (00:03:39):

Your mileage may vary on that one. 

Lex (00:03:41):

Yes. So there's that. The other thing that we wanted to cover was that next week we just wanted to give you a little hint, a little peeksy behind the curtain because we hung up curtains in our living room that were hiding beh- well, blankets. I'm not going to lie, blankets for right now, but we're waiting to get curtains so we have our own little soundproof podcasting corner. 

Jordan (00:03:58):

We have a studio, y'all. 

Lex (00:04:01):

Yeah okay. I say soundproof, but like sound muted.

Jordan (00:04:04):

Lots of blankets. 

Lex (00:04:05):

Lots of blankets. 

Jordan (00:04:05):

It’s a professional blanket fort. 

Lex (00:04:06):

Oh yeah. 

Jordan (00:04:07):

I love being a podcaster. This is really my dream.

Lex (00:04:10):

I love being able to say that we are podcasters.

Jordan (00:04:13):

I love having an excuse to build a permanent blanket fort in a corner of our living room. 

Lex (00:04:17):

Just sitting in this permanent blanket fort sweating, because there's no airflow and we've shut all the windows to minimize as much noise as possible. We've hung up a blanket over the windows, facing the street. 

Jordan (00:04:27):

We hung up two blankets over the windows.

Lex (00:04:29):

Two blankets? Two? I wasn't out there. I was in the fort getting everything ready while Jordan tacked that one up.  

Jordan (00:04:35):

Sure you were. 

Lex (00:04:36):

I was, I was listening to the music from the Umbrella Academy season two playlist, because I'm just here on that journey.

Jordan (00:04:43):

It’s important emotional work.

Lex (00:04:45):


Jordan (04:46):

So that we can bring our best to you.

Lex (00:04:47):

Yes, but to peek behind the blanket, as it were, we did just do our first zoom recording with a guest. So you will be able to hear us interacting with other people safely over the internet. Yeah.

Jordan (00:05:06):

Socially distanced. Very distant.

Lex (00:05:07):

So distanced. 

Jordan (00:05:08):

We can't tell you about this guest because we want it to be a surprise, but they're not in Chicago so very distanced. 

Lex (00:05:14):

Yes. Very, very distanced. But it was so fun. So cool. We got to talk to someone else who has ADHD and we're really excited to share that episode with you after this one. So just make sure you tune in and get ready to hear us talk about some wild stuff with someone who's not us. So you'll hear another voice and we're pretty stoked that we've reached that point. And speaking of that as well, our first three episodes we recorded at once, not at once, like in one sitting, but like within a period of two or three days, we recorded our first three episodes and our trailer so that we could take our time editing and releasing those. And now we're caught up. And now we're at the point where we've gotten your listener questions. We've gotten your feedback. We've gotten the follows, we've gotten the subscriptions and we're overwhelmed. 

Jordan (00:05:59):

Hi everyone. 

Lex (00:06:00):

Thank you so much. Hello, welcome. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We are so appreciative. Uh, we really did think it was going to be like maybe two or three of our very close friends who felt obligated to listen. 

Jordan (00:06:12):

And to those two or three friends who are listening because they feel obligated. We also love you.

Lex (00:06:16):

Oh, we do, we do love you. We just thought that you would be the only ones here. And the website that we host from, showed that we have 67 regular listeners after three episodes. And I know that that doesn't seem like a super big number, but like two more of you join and we're set. 

Jordan (00:06:35):

Then we're going to have to stop the podcast. Were gonna have to like password protect it so only the- 

Lex (00:06:39):

The 69 listeners. Sorry about me and us for that. But yeah, no really though. Thank you so much. Thank you for those of you who have shared. And we have fan art, which like hello . Thank you Caitlin. So, if you want to see some amazing art, please go follow Caitlin Forbes. 

Jordan (00:07:00):

She is sol draw-

Lex (00:07:01):

She did not pay us to say this. 

Jordan (00:07:02):

No, I just love her a lot. 

Lex (00:07:04):

Yeah. No. She's amazing.

Jordan (00:07:05):

She's my favorite and I need to look up what her social media is so I can tell you all to go follow.

Lex (00:07:09):

Yes. Okay. So while Jordan is looking up Caitlin’s social media, I’m just going to continue to profusely and sincerely thank you all for listening. It's very strange to feel very perceived and to know that people are listening to our little gobs, chatting away about brain worms and other shit like that. And we didn't expect to have the reception that we did already after three episodes. Thank you. Especially in this time, like this day and age, we weren't trying to like, we've been really specifically trying not to promote ourselves in this podcast very much because there are a lot of other things happening in the world right now that are very much in need of our attention, work and focus so the fact that there are some of you out there who have made the time to sit and listen and dialogue with us about ADHD and mental health is just really cool. And so we want to say how much we appreciate you and appreciate this podcast community as it's growing. 

Jordan (00:08:02):

Yeah, it's a really special thing to get to be with you in your ears right now. And the fact that we can have this conversation about mental health when everything else is happening so much is we're, we're really happy to get to be a part of that conversation with you. So thank you. And you can follow Caitlin Forbes. The wonderful, beautiful, stunning, radiant, sunshine human being, Caitlin Forbes on Instagram. She is @soldraws_ and on Twitter. She is @forbescaitlin

Lex (00:08:34):

Yeah. Souldraws is S O L draws. 

Jordan (00:08:37):


Lex (00:08:39):

Not S O U L but SOL.

Jordan (00:08:40):

Or SOLE although she is very good at drawing shoes. So it could be SOLE draws, but it's not. It’s SOL.

Lex (00:08:46):

Yeah. And she does have a beautiful soul. 

Jordan (00:08:47):

She does. 

Lex (00:08:48):

Thank you Jesse McCartney.

Jordan (00:08:49):

That song’s about her actually. 

Lex (00:08:50):

It is. It's true. We checked. 

Jordan (00:08:52):

I called my good friend Jesse, and said that song's about Cate right? And he was like, oh, hell yeah, she slaps. She's amazing. Yes.

Lex (00:08:58):

Um, that's 100% true and correct and accurate. No further need to question or fact check us. 

Jordan (00:09:03):

Don't worry about it. 

Lex (00:09:04):

No reason. Yeah. Uh, on the real quick note of everything that's happening right now, if you're feeling helpless or like you're not able to do anything to help people of color, specifically to help black people in your communities, please Google. Google is your friend right now. Please don't reach out to your friends who are black. Please don’t reach out to your friends of color to ask them what you should be doing. Please just Google it. Find the organizations that are worth donating to. If you can go to protests, if you can and if you feel safe, you know, but there are things you can be doing. And we want to encourage that as well, because if all of the people who are listening to this podcast put regular effort into fighting racial injustice, that would be pretty dope too. And I'm not saying that you're not just, you know, we want to make sure that this community is not focused on us, but focused on how we can help other people and how we can make the world a slightly less dark and scary place. 

Jordan (00:09:57):


Lex (00:09:58):

On that note. 

Jordan (00:09:59):


Lex (00:10:00):

Should we tell our audience about what we're gonna talk about today?

Jordan (00:10:03):

We probably should. Yeah. I think that's a good call. 

Lex (00:10:05):

Cool, cool, cool. 

Jordan (00:10:06):

We're going to be talking about living with ADHD in a more specific sense. That's kind of what the whole podcast has been about in some way or another. How's that limoncello LaCroix?

Lex (00:10:17):

I was trying to take a really quiet drink while you talked.

Jordan (00:10:21):

And do you feel refreshed? Do you feel sated? Do you feel sparkly inside and out now? 

Lex (00:10:25):


Jordan (00:10:26):

Great. So we're going to be talking about our coping mechanisms and the things that we actually practically do to make living with ADHD easier and to combat the symptoms of ADHD. So we're going to be sharing some of our tips and tricks and probably not sweet flips because this is not a very large blanket fort, but we're going to have those for you. And we're also going to kind of go on a quick little hop, skip, and a jump tour over what other people do or what common ways of dealing with ADHD are. And some, some not so common ways that we are not advocating for, but they happen. People sure do do some things.

Lex (00:11:11):

Yeah. And again, you know, every episode we say this, and we'll say it again, we are not medical professionals. 

Jordan (00:11:17):

Not in the least. 

Lex (00:11:18):

We are not telling you what you should or should not do with your body or your heart or your mind. 

Jordan (00:11:22):

Or your money. 

Lex (00:11:23):

Oh gosh. Yeah. So really we're not telling you what to do or what not to do. We're just going to tell you what we do. And then also tell you some common advice that some communities like to give people with ADHD.

Jordan (00:11:38):

So you have the whole picture to make your own educated decision.

Lex (00:11:40):

There you go. Yeah. Absolutely. 

Jordan (00:11:42):

Do we want to hop into our education station?

Lex (00:11:45):

Education station? 

Jordan (00:11:47):

Do we like that? Are we jiving with that? 

Lex (00:11:48):

Hell yeah. 

Jordan (00:11:49):

Can we hop on board and chugga, chugga choo choo our way into knowledge. 

Lex (00:11:53):

Like let's just like hot chocolate Polar Express our way into some learning. 

Jordan (00:11:58):

Yes. So we have some things that are coming straight to us from the medical side of things. We have some things that are coming to us from the

Lex (00:12:09):

I think the best way to describe it is we have a chart. And one, one column in this chart is FDA approved treatments and coping mechanisms. 

Jordan (00:12:19):


Lex (00:12:20):

The other one is not, not at all approved by the FDA and sometimes actively advocated against by the FDA.

Jordan (00:12:29):

There’s just a star by a couple of them at the bottom. It says, this is definitely a poison. 

Lex (00:12:33):

Yeah. There are some interesting takes. 

Jordan (00:12:36):

We'll get into those later. Lex, do you want to take it away on the things that are FDA approved? 

Lex (00:12:42):

Yeah. Yes. So the food and drug administration, as we all know and love, and we've talked about so much on this podcast already.

Jordan (00:12:49):

Our good old friends, our kooky uncle, the FDA. 

Lex (00:12:54):

I'm just imagining the FDA, the human version of the FDA is just a tired old uncle in like a suit, but it's a very rumbled suit and he's definitely got a few empty beers on the table next to him. 

Jordan (00:13:07):

He's earned it. 

Lex (00:13:08):

He's in the lazy boy. And everyone keeps being like, Oh wait, do you have the meat thermometer? And-

Jordan (00:13:14):

He does. That's the thing about Uncle FDA is that he always does. He's always there for us.

Lex (00:13:20):

Uncle Ferda, FDA is so close to ferda I couldn't help it. Okay. So, ferda boys, boys. Okay. So the FDA has approved a couple of options for ADHD throughout the years. And some are more recent and some are on just a scaling timeline that we talked about in our last episode. 

Jordan (00:13:44):

We sure did.

Lex (00:13:45):

So FDA approved treatments and coping mechanisms for ADHD basically is stimulants. Aka medication that is usually stimulants. We've got Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta or Con-chair-ta, Focalin, Daytrana, Metadate. 

Jordan (00:14:01):

Ooh. That sounds fun. 

Lex (00:14:02):

I wanna go on a metadate. 

Jordan (00:14:03):

I don't, that sounds really emotionally exhausting.

Lex (00:14:06):

Metadate? I think maybe that's just what it means when you talk about your relationship with your partner, I'm going to have to check with my partner on it. He's the philosopher. So I'm sure if I was like, what's a metadata, should we go on a metadata? I'd like to metadate you, and then he would just be like, babe, this is like, it's 3:00 AM please go to sleep. Uh and Vyvanse. Those are the most popular stimulants. And the reason that stimulants are given to people with ADHD brains is because we don't know a ton about ADHD brains, but we do know we lack proper stimulation. We lack dopamine because our brains are under-stimulated. So it's not that people are hyperactive or inattentive because their brains are all over the place. It's because their brains are too fast. 

Jordan (00:14:47):

They're searching for something to-

Lex (00:14:49):

Yeah sorry not too fast, searching for things to latch on to. They process through things too quickly in terms of what actually gives you the dopamine. So stimulants get us to a base level. 

Jordan (00:15:00):


Lex (00:15:01):

Proud to say. I don't know. I shouldn't say proud, but like not, not proud. It's just kind of neutral. I'm on Adderall and I'm also on Zoloft. So I do have some antidepressants. Oh yeah. Antidepressants are often paired with stimulants too cause- 

Jordan (00:15:12):

This is true. 

Lex (00:15:12):

-the comorbidity of anxiety and depression.

Jordan (00:15:15):

And there are also some antidepressants that are off-label prescriptions for ADHD like Wellbutrin. So- 

Lex (00:15:23):


Jordan (00:15:24):

There is some make your brain make the happy chemicals overlap.

Lex (00:15:28):

Yeah. So there's lots of medication, lots of pills you can just pop right in your little gob and get focused. It's really actually, truly- 

Jordan (00:15:37):

It's great. It’s not for everybody. You and your doctors are the people who can make that decision for you. But I am also on Adderall and it has been a game changer for me.

Lex (00:15:46):

Yeah. Other FDA approved treatments and or FDA neutral, scientifically medically supported treatments. 

Jordan (00:15:54):


Lex (00:15:54):

There we go. Yeah. So cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy is the mainstream therapy, any sort of talk therapy or behavioral educational therapy is often used for ADHD. Oh. And education services. So for people who have ADHD and are still in school of some kind, oftentimes there are resources for those of you who are still doing school. And if you're doing school right now, I'm so sorry. 

Jordan (00:16:23):

Godspeed. You're incredible. 

Lex (00:16:24):

You're incredible. I wish that this wasn't the way the world worked right now, but here we are and Godspeed. But that is one thing that you should look into. 

Jordan (00:16:34):


Lex (00:16:35):

If you are at a public schooling institution, they should legally be required to have some sort of resources for people who are neurodivergent. So- 

Jordan (00:16:43):

Yes. You are, I believe legally entitled to an individualized education plan. 

Lex (00:16:49):

Yeah. An IEP, as they say. Yeah. So those are some common options. There is one other treatment that I found that has been approved by the FDA. 

Jordan (00:16:57):

What is that? 

Lex (00:16:59):

And I'm kind of interested in trying it and I just want to run it past you and see what you think. 

Jordan (00:17:02):

Is this another mushrooms thing? 

Lex (00:17:04):

Those are not FDA approved. So for those of you who didn't want to listen to the episode before this one, I did talk a little bit about psychedelic drugs because there are a lot of studies being done to see how psychedelic drugs can be used to treat and help people who are neurodivergent or have other mental disorders, but that's not FDA approved. So no this is not mushrooms because this one is FDA approved. And I think I'm going to try it just here at home. I'm going to go get my jumper cables from my Subaru. I'm going to hop in the bath. 

Jordan (00:17:33):


Lex (00:17:34):

I'm going to turn the water on and I'm going to have, like, I just need you to put like one of the jumper cables on like our microwave maybe, and then the other one on my head. And then let's just see how it goes.

Jordan (00:17:45):

I don't think that's how microwaves work, but that's a hyper fixation for another day.

Lex (00:17:50):

But the electricity powers them. 

Jordan (00:17:52):


Lex (00:17:53):

So we just need to get to some sort of electrical panel, nearest our bathroom, in my mind I was like-

Jordan (00:17:57):

So maybe - what if I clip the jumper cables to a fork and then stick the fork in an outlet.

Lex (00:18:02):


Jordan (00:18:03):

Yes. All right. 

Lex (00:18:04):

And this is definitely totally safe and helpful. I will say, this is not, this is not , the FDA-

Jordan (00:18:10):

Please don’t do this, please do not do this.

Lex (00:18:11):

Please don’t, this was a bit, I am not going to electrocute myself.

Jordan (00:18:16):

On purpose. 

Lex (00:18:16):

On purpose, on purpose, but the FDA has approved as of, I think 2019-

Jordan (00:18:21):


Lex (00:18:22):

Yeah. The FDA permits marketing the first medical device for treatment of ADHD. And it is a external trigeminal nerve stimulation system. 

Jordan (00:18:34):

ETNSS. It's not a great acronym. Y'all could have done a bit better on that.

Lex (00:18:38):

It’s a treatment device that works by sending mild electrical stimulation shocks to the nervous system. And it's a very new thing. 

Jordan (00:18:48):

She's fresh. 

Lex (00:18:49):

She is fresh and spicy. If not sexy. 

Jordan (00:18:52):

Sounds very spicy. 

Lex (00:18:54):

Yes. So basically it's a device that attaches to your forehead. 

Jordan (00:18:57):


Lex (00:18:58):

With a little patch in a wire, it sits like right above your eyebrows and delivers a slight tingling sensation on the skin. And every night before bed, this was tested on kids. And so these kids would put on this little device and they would have these little shocks delivered to their little kid brain. I mean, but it's, it doesn't feel like shocks, apparently it just feels like I am assuming it feels similar to like a Twitch because it's your nerves reacting. 

Jordan (00:19:24):

Like flexing? 

Lex (00:19:25):

Yeah. But it's on your forehead so I'm assuming it must feel like a Twitch, right? I don't know. Apparently over like a month, these kids got their brains zippy zapped and their ADHD symptoms significantly lessened when compared to the group that was just given the placebo patch and electric stuff. I dunno.

Jordan (00:19:42):

The non twitchy version. 

Lex (00:19:44):

I will also add the caveat that I'm also not a scientist in any way, shape or form. So I have no idea what I'm reading to you right now, but I do know that people put shock pads and wires on little kids' foreheads and tested it out and it's safe and it's FDA approved and it seems to work for some kids. And that's great. 

Jordan (00:20:04):

I mean, shock therapy has been a thing in some version or another for quite some time.

Lex (00:20:08):

When I think of shock therapy, I think of awful, awful things. And not this. 

Jordan (00:20:13):


Lex (00:20:14):

I, I imagine a Get Out situation, a Frankenstein situation, uh, you know, conversion therapy.

Jordan (00:20:21):

Yeah. I listened to the Next to Normal soundtrack too many times, sophomore year of high school to really vibe with that. But it works for some people. I don't want to mischaracterize that by media representations. If it works for you, it works for you.

Lex (00:20:37):

And I will say, you know, people are still researching. 

Jordan (00:20:39):

Yeah. Absolutely. 

Lex (00:20:41):

-and medication is getting more advanced by the day. There's a lot of stimulants that aren't really technically stimulants. Like they've made new versions of stimulants that don't have quite the same side effects as original stimulants for people. But if Adderall or Ritalin work well for you, I will say they are the cheapest option in terms of accessibility because they've been on the market for so long that there are a ton of off-brand versions of those drugs.

Jordan (00:21:09):

Yep. That's the frontline treatment against attention deficit hyperactivity disorder right now. 

Lex (00:21:15):


Jordan (00:21:16):

There are some other things though.

Lex (00:21:17):

Oh yes. Oh yes. Please do. Go on.

Jordan (00:21:20):

Um, so we're going to kind of start at the, not FDA approved per se, because it's not a medication, but kind of common sense stuff and then-

Lex (00:21:28):

Like the things that kind of help with just being a human. 

Jordan (00:21:31):

Yes. Like the first one is diet. 

Lex (00:21:34):

Oh, okay. I am hesitant. 

Jordan (00:21:36):

Not just generally dieting, not like, Hey, go buy some Atkins bars and it's going to cure your ADHD, but 

Lex (00:21:42):

Yeah please do not do that. 

Jordan (00:21:43):

Don't do that for any reason.

Lex (00:21:45):

Only do that. If you've talked to your nutritionist and you're really feeling set on it.

Jordan (00:21:48):

Yeah. But what you can do 

Lex (00:21:50):

What can I do? 

Jordan (00:21:50):

You can, well, can you, cause I'm going to, what I'm about to say is just eat fish. 

Lex (00:21:56):

Oh no.

Jordan (00:21:57):

Sorry. This one's all for me then. And I don't mind that because I will eat plenty of fish.

Lex (00:22:03):

You're going to eat the website? You're going to eat the dating website?

Jordan (00:22:06):

Yeah. I'm going to consume it for power.

Lex (00:22:10):

Are any hot singles in your area? 

Jordan (00:22:12):

No, they're all in Jordan's stomach. 

Lex (00:22:14):

Yeah. No Jordan, my roommate ate them.

Jordan (00:22:16):

And it cured my ADHD. 

Lex (00:22:17):


Jordan (00:22:16):


Lex (00:22:18):


Jordan (00:22:19):

No, but there is some studies that show a correlation between improved brain function and a higher consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, which are most commonly found in fish. Like salmon is my personal favorite. I miss west coast, seafood. Anyways, some people also forego artificial food colorings and preservatives. There are some studies about that, but nothing official. There are also some supplements that we do know from like a brain chemistry perspective do help you create dopamine. However, depending on why your brain isn't creating enough of it, what comorbid mental disorders you have, what else you're eating, the way to fix this varies? Because some people say, Oh, go take zinc and iron supplements because zinc and iron are, we know important to creating those chemicals in your brain. But if you're already getting enough zinc and iron in your diet, that's not going to help.

Jordan (00:23:14):

You're going to spend a ton of money on supplements and usually supplements aren't FDA approved. So those are options you can pursue. But again, talk to a doctor and a nutritionist before you give any of that a go. People also recommend exercise because as the famed and lauded, Elle Woods gave us, exercise gives you endorphins and endorphins make you happy and happy people don't kill their husbands. They just don't. 

Lex (00:23:41):

She's right. 

Jordan (00:23:41):

She is. 

Lex (00:23:43):

She's very right. 

Jordan (00:23:43):

She was correct. And what exercise also does is A) can give you the good brain juice. If that's something that's doable for you, exercise looks different for everybody. It can also in like a very practical way. If you have a lot of excess energy, or anxiety give you an opportunity to work that out.

Lex (00:24:00):

Do the thing to take care of the fight or flight instinct. 

Jordan (00:24:02):


Lex (00:24:03):

To help your brain not be so scared.

Jordan (00:24:05):

And with ADHD, depending on the kind of exercise you do, it can provide a locus of focus. 

Lex (00:24:12):


Jordan (00:24:13):

Well, exercise can also do, depending on the type of exercise, if it's something that requires,

Lex (00:24:19):

Does it require Holy water? 

Jordan (00:24:20):


Lex (00:24:19):

Does it require-

Jordan (00:24:23):

Exercise. Exercise. If it requires remembering dance steps or counting repetitions or something like that, that gives you a brain focus element. And isn't just like, I'm running. That can also be a place to put your focus. So there's that element of exercise that is beneficial as well.

Lex (00:24:43):

All right. Okay. I have a lot of explaining to do in my, uh, aerobics classes that I used to go to. Huh. You know, they would just be like Lex. Why did you bring the black robes again, Lex? Why are you trying to chant? We're just doing five, six, seven, eight. We're just counting numbers. Why do you have Latin books?

Jordan (00:25:01):

That's a whole other ADHD problem. The auditory processing disorder.

Lex (00:5:04):

Lex, why are you drawing on the dance floor? 

Jordan (00:25:07):

That's the blood's really slippery. We can't have that in here. 

Lex (00:25:10):

Like someone's gonna get hurt. Well, I'd hope so. That’s kinda the point, for like, at least the demon to get- 

Jordan (00:25:21):

Only the Virgin. 

Lex (00:25:22):

Only the Virgin maybe could get hurt if we're lucky, however.

Jordan (00:25:30):

Exercise or exorcisms, neither of them are really doing the trick. We can go deeper.

Lex (00:25:35):

Thank you Leonardo DiCaprio in the hit movie Inception. 

Jordan (00:25:40):

We can take- 

Lex (00:25:41):

Why was that a hit really? Like why did we all just go buck wild for that movie? Ellen Page.

Jordan (00:25:47):

Oh yeah. I was also going to say, I think at one point, some guy says dream a little bigger darling, and it's a bit homoerotic and we all latched onto that.

Lex (00:25:54):

And also Ellen Page is there. 

Jordan (00:25:55):

Yeah. Okay. Problem solved. Yep. Moving on to essential oils. 

Lex (00:26:00):


Jordan (00:26:01):

Now there are a couple of different ways of thinking

Lex (00:26:04):

Thank you to all of our essential oils, you are the real heroes in these unprecedented times. Tell me about essential oils please. 

Jordan (00:26:15):

Yeah. So there are a couple of ways to come at some of the symptoms of ADHD with essential oils. And some of this actually kind of make sense because it's like, Oh, how about camomile and lavender to calm you down, two-

Lex (00:26:28):

Historically calming scents. Yes. 

Jordan (00:26:31):

Yeah. So those sorts of things right on. Some other people suggest I should have looked up how to say this, but I'm just gonna do it live. Ylang Ylang oil. 

Lex (00:26:41):

I'm not going to help you with this. 

Jordan (00:26:43):


Lex (00:26:44):

Cause I also don't know it. 

Jordan (00:26:45):

Okay. I'm, I'm sure we'll hear about it, but that one and Vetiver and Frankincense and Patchouli are ones that come up pretty commonly. 

Lex (00:26:55):

Did the baby Jesus have ADHD? 

Jordan (00:26:57):

Wow. That would be incredible representation. 

Lex (00:27:00):


Jordan (00:27:01):

There are a number of blogs on the internet. That report that is helpful. However, there are no FDA approved treatments based on those things. There is no FDA monitoring of the quality or potency or origin of essential oils. So uh-

Lex (00:27:24):

Good luck. 

Jordan (00:27:26):


Lex (00:27:28):


Jordan (00:27:29):

If that works for you, I'm not here to just dunk on essential oils. But if you do decide to try any of these things, don't ingest essential oils and don't put them directly on your skin either.

Lex (00:27:39):

And when you're diffusing essential oils, please, please, please. If you have pets, look up which essential oils are okay for pets and which ones are not because most of them are really not okay for pets. 

Jordan (00:27:52):

Yeah. So tread very cautiously in the realm of essential oils. If that's the route that you want to go, we also have some quote unquote natural stimulant options, which I understand where people kind of take that route because as we discussed before, most of the prescribed treatments for ADHD are stimulants. So you'd go, Oh, okay. We're following that vein of thought. So Ginseng is a popular one. A lot of people have probably heard of that from like fancy energy drinks where it's in there with some other quote, unquote natural, which is not a word that has any defined meaning sort of- 

Lex (00:28:29):

You heard it here first, just pound back a Monster energy drink and you'll cure your ADHD.

Jordan (00:28:36):

If that doesn't work, follow it up directly with a Red Bull.

Lex (00:28:40):

That'll definitely make you feel really good. That'll make you feel. You're going to have an amazing day followed by a really, really awful evening.

Jordan (00:28:48):

I was gonna say you're going to exist in some relation to time for a while. If that doesn't work, though, if you feel too wound up, just throw back some NyQuil and that'll counteract it.

Lex (00:29:00):

Yeah. I would definitely recommend. 

Jordan (00:29:02):

But for real the important thing to know about gen specifically, and also to be aware of with any other natural stimulants, you might want to try Ginseng can interact very negatively with prescribed medications. You can be on. So don't just give that one a little spin. Be very careful with that one.

Lex (00:29:19):

Oh yeah. Same thing with charcoal charcoal, we'll often just completely mitigate anything-

Jordan (00:29:25):

Control Z's your meds. So don't do that at all. Unless you have a need to get all the things in your system out. I do want to real quick mention that surprisingly tobacco is a commonly suggested alternative treatment. Cause I guess it's a stimulant, but I don't need to explain why that's a bad idea. So here's where we get into the truly weird stuff in the magical world of homeopathy. Some of you may have seen or heard of Snashall, which is a liquid made from green oat grass, sweet violet, and an herb called Skullcap, which definitely sounds safe to ingest that is made specifically to treat ADHD. It's gluten free in case we were worried about that and it's supposed to help your concentration. The thing with homeopathy, it's like the LaCroix of medicine where it just has a shadow of a whisper of the essence of this item in it.

Jordan (00:30:20):

So it's mostly water with a little bit of poison. My favorite thing about Snashall is that you may have heard that there is sweet violet essence in there, and that is not for color. It is not for flavor. It is not for any sort of supplementary value. It doesn't do anything good to your brain. It quote, enhances the formulation of the product itself, making it a lot more appropriate. 

Lex (00:30:45):


Jordan (00:30:46):

So Snashall just had its titties out until we put some violet in it. And now it’s-

Lex (00:30:53):

Snap towel was not using utensils at the dinner table. Snapdoll was the kid with ADHD, pulling, the tablecloth-

Jordan (00:31:00):

Snapdoll was Fidgety Phil. It all comes full circle. 

Lex (00:31:04):


Jordan (00:31:08):

Uh, we also have Hyoscyamus and Stramonium which are two homeopathic remedies recommended for ADHD. Hyoscyamus is also known as Hen Bain. I think that's specifically recommended for children who present manic or sexualized symptoms. And  Stramonium is also referred to as devil's snare. And these are both 

Lex (00:31:31):

The f***ing plant from Harry Potter. So they were like, here's a, an ADHD treatment. It's the turfy plant. 

Jordan (00:31:37):

These are both real plans and they are both in the night shade family. 

Lex (00:31:41):

So if you take, you know, poison. 

Jordan (00:31:43):

Yes, it's poison. These are known to cause hallucinations. So it's not just like kill you poison, it's a mess you right up poison. But it’s only a little bit, so it's fine. Right? 

Lex (00:31:54):

I mean, there are several medications that use just like a little bit of toxins or things like that is a thing, but not very many and they're very heavily regulated. 

Jordan (00:32:04):

These are not, you can buy these right off the internet and you know hat else you can buy? 

Lex (00:32:09):

People make money off of these things. 

Jordan (00:32:10):

People make money off of these things. They also make money off of some really fascinating treatments like Medorrhinum, which is a homeopathic remedy. Do you want to guess what Medorrhinum is made out of? 

Lex (00:32:23):

It turns you into She-Ra? 

Jordan (00:32:26):

No, no, it doesn't. Medorrhinum.

Lex (00:32:30):

I wantto be an eight foot tall lesbian. 

Jordan (00:32:31):

Don't we all? I don't think this is going to help you with that though, because this is just the pee from a man with gonorrhea. It is processed urine from male gonorrhea patients. Uh, we also have bovine tuberculosis samples. It's called Tuberculine and Bovinen them and they extract that-

Lex (00:32:49):


Jordan (00:32:50):


Lex (00:32:51):

I know what a bovine is. I was in 4H.

Jordan (00:32:53):


Lex (00:32:54):

Sorry. My brain short circuited. And just came back to life when I heard bovine and I was like, cows. 

Jordan (00:33:00):

That's fair. 

Lex (00:33:01):

Cows resuscitated me. 

Jordan (00:33:02):

You really don't want to hear most of this cause it just gets worse. After suggesting you inoculate your child with tuberculosis, which to be fair, tuberculosis treatments in real life are made from, but this is just buy it on the internet and give it to your kid for ADHD, which-

Lex (00:33:18):

Just get the vaccine you assholes.

Jordan (00:33:20):

It's still not going to cure your ADHD.

Lex (00:33:23):

Well, I mean, yes. Yeah. Sorry. It’s not going to do for ADHD, but also if you're trying to like inoculate a child for f***ing tuberculosis, don't we have a f***ing TB vaccine? 

Jordan (00:33:33):

Pretty sure we do. 

Lex (00:33:34):

And even if we don't have a TB vaccine, if you want to inoculate, why are you, Oh, I have a lot of bones to pick.

Jordan (00:33:42):

I know, I know this. We also have, uh, something called Merc sol that is commonly prescribed to calm folks with ADHD. And if you take enough of it, it might work because it's mercury, it's mercury, it's soluble, mercury. Merc sol, give it to your kid, calms them right down.

Lex (00:34:07):

It just calms them right down into the grave.

Jordan (00:34:10):

Same with our last and certainly not least here Tarentula Hispana, which is supposed to address the physical hyperactive element of ADHD with tarantula venom. Yeah. Yeah, no, it's don't do these. Don't do any of these,

Lex (00:34:29):

Please do not try these things. Do not give these people your money.

Jordan (00:34:33):

They want to scam you and kill your children. Yeah. But that's all I had. 

Lex (00:34:37):

Wow. Okay. 

Jordan (00:34:38):

Have you tried any of these? Do you want to give them a go and see if they'd work or do we have other options?

Lex (00:34:44):

I want to just go look at some cows. 

Jordan (00:34:46):


Lex (00:34:47):

I wanna go look up some Scottish Highland cows. Also it's interesting. Right? Because a lot of the approach to ADHD is treating symptoms and, or people are trying to quote unquote cure ADHD. 

Jordan (00:35:01):

Yeah. Good luck with that. 

Lex (00:35:02):

Yeah. Curing things like ADHD, spoiler. We don't need to be fixed. There are ways to help us cope within this society that is not built for us. And I think that's all well and dandy, but it does beg the question of what kind of system is it, where it doesn't work for this huge chunk of the population.

Jordan (00:35:22):

And that's what even our coping mechanisms and the methods of navigating are all just, this system wasn't made for us. How do we adjust it?

Lex (00:35:30):

How do we hack the system? 

Jordan (00:35:31):


Lex (00:35:31):


Jordan (00:35:32):

How do we Ikea hack the Bjorksnas dresser of life? 

Lex (00:35:36):

Yeah, exactly. Speaking of though, can you tell me a little bit about your things that you do?

Jordan (00:35:42):

Okay. I thought that was going to be a general sentence of my things and I was like, I have many, which one? But my things for ADHD. 

Lex (00:35:49):

Yeah. What do you do? 

Jordan (00:35:49):

I do a lot of things. I'm as we've covered before sort of new in this journey. So still testing a lot of things out, but everything that I have had good luck with and implemented in my life right now falls under the game of how do you make it fun or interesting or urgent? Cause those are the things that activate ADHD brains to get tasks done. And that's what I'm sort of going to be focusing on is how do I get tasks done? Sometimes that task is a specific, like how do we do the paperwork for this podcast? Sometimes that task is how do I get the dishes done and keep my house clean. Sometimes that task is how do I check in with myself and stay aware of how I'm feeling. But it's all sort of in that bubble, I am a big fan of the Pomodoro method. 

Lex (00:36:32):

Tell me about that. Pomeranian, pomegranate, pomme de terre method.

Jordan (00:36:35):

I will tell you about the potato method. Yes.

Lex (00:36:39):

Pomme de terre is apple of the earth in French. It's the one thing I remember from French class in high school.

Jordan (00:36:44):

It means potato. 

Lex (00:36:45):

Thank you Mr. Pender, [speaking french]. 

Jordan (00:36:51):

The Pomodoro method is a great way of getting yourself to focus on any task because it's a, it's a timing method. And the way that it works is you set a timer. There are a lot of great apps that have this timer programmed in it and you can just press a button and it will go and tell you what to do. But long story short, the system is 25 minutes of focus on whatever task you're working on and then five minutes of break. And that works great for me because A) it puts a deadline on something. It says you have 25 minutes go and that's activating. And then it puts a little reward at the end, especially if I know ahead of time, Oh, I'm going to spend my five minutes making myself a milkshake or getting on Twitter or petting my cats or whatever. It ticks off two of those boxes. I have a deadline and I have a reward at the end that makes it fun. Makes the dopamine go. And so I use that for a lot of things along-

Lex (00:37:48):


Jordan (00:37:49):

Thank you. Thank you. Along the line of rewards at the end. Candy, candy is another method that I use to do many, many thing.s

Lex (00:37:59):

In the words of dog trainers. Jordan is very food motivated.

Jordan (00:38:03):

I am very food motivated. This is true. I also have the canine instinct. 

Lex (00:38:07):

Yeah. Two different canine instincts.

Jordan (00:38:10):

It's just full spectrum representation over here of dogs, I guess.

Lex (00:38:14):


Jordan (00:38:15):

And we have the Pomeranians too. We're just out here showing up today for dogs, but all that to say like candy is a very effective reward for me. Baked goods, very effective reward for me, stopping to get a coffee, very effective reward for me. So I can say, if I can get this done, I will have this bag of candy. If I do this thing, I hate doing, 98% of the time it's going to the dentist. I will stop at the nice bakery on my way home. If I have my textbook open and I am staring at the same paragraph for years, I will get my package of M&M's and I will put one on each paragraph or section and I'll just read the page like that and throw ‘em back. And it's great.

Lex (00:38:57):

See that's so fun in theory, but it requires the prerequisite of having self control at all. 

Jordan (00:39:06):

To not eat the candy first? 

Lex (00:39:07):

Because I once tried that method in school, cause someone was like, Hey, if you put like Skittles or M&M's or something on the bottom of each page or ends of paragraphs, when you're done reading the boring textbook, it's like a little reward and me and my goblin brain, I opened the book. I set all the Skittles down. And just before I know it, I'm not reading. I'm just picking out all the Skittles from where I've placed them with my little goblin raccoon hands and just mmm it's then I'm like, Oh, I didn't read it. But I also got rid of my reward systems. So ehh we're done.

Jordan (00:39:41):

Well different strokes for different folks. 

Lex (00:39:44):

Yes. Yes. 

Jordan (00:39:44):

Along those lines. Do you want to talk about what works for you then?

Lex (00:39:47):

Yeah, absolutely. I do. Uh, so we've already established the candy. I do also like candy, but I have no self control with it. Like the other day I went to our kitchen being like, I'm going to get a breakfast bar and a banana. 

Jordan (00:40:01):

Did you get a breakfast bar and or a banana? 

Lex (00:40:02):

A banana. No. Um, I did grab the LaCroix. 

Jordan (00:40:06):


Lex (00:40:07):

That I wanted to grab. 

Jordan (00:40:08):

There you go. 

Lex (00:40:09):

The delicious limoncillo, LaCroix, summer flavor. But instead of grabbing the breakfast bar and the banana, I somehow blacked out. And when I got back to my room, I all of a sudden was like, Oh, there's not a banana in my mouth. It's a Charleston chew. And then there's some mini Starbursts.

Jordan (00:40:25):

I mean, there are definitely worse things to black out and come to within your mouth.

Lex (00:40:29):

No, I know, I know this, but also like candy. It's not a good motivator for me cause it's just like, my brain just shuts off. So candy does not work for me. I'm not super reward motivated if there's something fun after the bad thing I have to do, my brain is like, why would I go through all of these steps when I could just go straight to the fun thing it's right there. So I have had to make the things that I don't like to do fun. So I will either put on my favorite type of music or I will put on cute clothes for said task. Uh, often the things that I do not like to do are things on my computer, including like applying for jobs and writing long cover letters. Those are really, that's really the most recent unfun thing I've had to do. If it's stuff like cleaning, I'm very movement motivated. And that once I start going, and maybe not movement motivated, but I know that once I start cleaning, I will feel so amazing afterwards. So I just, I like to clean and I like that I'm moving around while I'm cleaning. Cause then I don't have to go and take my daily turn about the yard. Just kidding. We have a very small yard. That would be a very short way.

Jordan (00:41:38):

Um, but up and down the stairs would be. 

Lex (00:41:41):

It’s true. We do live on the top floor of this apartment building,

Jordan (00:41:44):

But there is something to be said for that because that's a pretty commonly recommended way to make things fun is to engage multiple senses while doing it, to get more stimulation. So it's something that's easier to focus on.

Lex (00:41:56):

Yep. One thing that's really interesting that I've learned about ADHD is that it's not that we're overstimulated and overwhelmed and therefore not able to pay attention. It's that we're under-stimulated. And so our brains are constantly searching for new things to stimulate it. 

Jordan (00:42:11):


Lex (00:42:11):

So that's why a lot of people that you know, who have ADHD probably put the TV on and then do stuff while they're watching TV. So I would do my homework while watching TV in high school. That was like the thing. And it wasn't, I wasn't watching SpongeBob Squarepants. It was just on, in the background. 

Jordan (00:42:28):


Lex (00:42:29):

And I got my math homework done cause I hate math homework. 

Jordan (00:42:31):

Yeah. I-

Lex (00:42:32):


Jordan (00:42:32):

I can’t do anything if the house is quiet, I have to have music or a podcast or something on all the time.

Lex (00:42:40):

Yeah no. If the house is quiet and we just have the windows open, then I'm just like, Oh, it's nap time. Right? Like if it's quiet, I'm like, it's quiet. So that means the sleep time.

Jordan (00:42:48):

Or it's like what's happening outside. I'm going to go sit in the front and like watch.

Lex (00:42:51):

Yeah. I think that might be, are two different brands of ADHD may be there. But um, another thing I have two more things that I'm going to share with you. 

Jordan (00:43:00):

Yeah. Through it out here. 

Lex (00:43:00):

One of these, I know that Jordan actually has in common with me because when we talked about it, we were like, we both are going to talk about this. So she graciously allowed me to take the reins on this one, but very visual organization. And by that, I mean-

Jordan (00:43:15):

Mother f***ing baskets. 

Lex (00:43:16):

Yes. So many baskets, so many bins, so many different little places to put all of your things so that you're not overwhelmed by how untidy it is, but you can still see all of the things you need to be able to remember. And so my medication and my toiletries have to sit right next to my bed on my bedside table, but I can't do that with all of my things, because then you wouldn't be able to see any surfaces or my floor or anything else. And so I have found cute baskets and cute storage solutions that I can either see everything in the basket immediately, or it's a cute enough basket that I'm like, Oh, I have a thing that I need to remember to do or take or use that's in that bag.

Jordan (00:43:56):

Yes. Out of sight, out of mind is so, so real for ADHD people..

Lex (00:44:00):

No object permanence. 

Jordan (00:44:02):

None whatsoever. 

Lex (00:44:03):

Zero object permanence. And so that has actually been one of the most revolutionary things, was learning the reason I forget where so many things are or forget to do things is because I just don't see them. Even if I had it written down somewhere, my brain would still be like, but where did you leave it? Wait, what are we looking for? But I have a little hook next to my door where my mask and my keys and my purse all live. So I know exactly where they are and I can see them if I just look up. 

Jordan (00:44:32):

Yes. And if your things have somewhere to live, that makes it so much easier to put them back. And what blew my mind is realizing that things can have multiple places to live. Like you can have a hook for your keys and a basket for your keys and a space on your table for your keys. And as long as it goes, one of those places, you have options. So you're never going to go. I can't make it to that right now or something. It's always going to go somewhere where it's supposed to go. 

Lex (00:44:59):


Jordan (00:45:00):

That was a game changer for me.

Lex (00:45:01):

Yeah. Yes. It's really wild because I think we're kind of under-selling some of these a little bit, but really, as soon as you figure out a way to hack your brain so that it works better for the system that we're stuck in. It's great. 

Jordan (00:45:15):

It's fantastic. 

Lex (00:45:15):

It's incredible. And then the other thing that I have, and this is not super feasible, right? With society in the before times or as we know it, but because I am so deeply unemployed and so very much stuck at home, I've been able to actually start working with my body's natural circadian rhythm. I've been able to sleep when my body actually wants to sleep and I've been able to listen to my body and know when I need to eat and when I need to wake up and when I need to move around and it's been so good for my mental health, but really not good for my capitalistic productivity. But again-

Jordan (00:45:53):

Only one of those things is important. It's not the capitalism.

Lex (00:45:56):

It's not the capitalism. Unfortunately our society does place more importance on the capitalism. And so to the outside, I am not living a productive life, which is bulls***. But you know, it's hard to, it's hard to reconcile that because that's less of a brain hack and more of a I'm grateful and lucky enough to still have a place to live, even though unemployment is canceled apparently, thanks Congress, what are you doing? But basically working with my body's natural rhythm has been so good. And I recognize how lucky and how privileged I am to be able to do that. And although it is at the expense of, you know, being able to provide for myself because there's no jobs to be had and no unemployment to be given, which is a little scary. But the bright side is that my body has, like, and my mental health has never been better than it has been in this quarantine.

Jordan (00:46:50):


Lex (00:46:51):

My anxiety has been better I will admit, but in terms of my ADHD, um, just having a grand old time, I'm having a good time. Um, speaking of good times, we are going to go over to this new place called the dopamine trampoline. We got a little bit of listener feedback and we want to let you know, we heard you, uh, hyper fixation station. We decided to change the name to the dopamine trampoline because we got some feedback and we did some research and just kind of some general exploration of ADHD social media communities, and the general consensus seems to be that the term hyper fixation is what people ADHD, you know, it's, it's the meaning that we, as people with ADHD ascribed to it. 

Jordan (00:47:34):


Lex (00:47:34):

However, we don't necessarily talk about actual hyper fixations in terms of things that are debilitating and we don't want to make light of that. 

Jordan (00:47:44):

Yeah and we also want to acknowledge too that we're not the only mental health community to use that word. Um, that's also something that the autistic community experiences as well. So because that word means a lot of different things to a lot of different people, while a fair amount of the things that we are going to talk about are hyper fixations in that sense some of them aren't and we want to make space for all of that and the ways that everybody identifies with that word and that concept.

Lex (00:48:10):

Yeah. So we decided to call it the dopamine trampoline because we wanted to say the dopamine something and my goblin brain was like, what rhymes with dopamine? Trampoline. Trampoline.

Jordan (00:48:20):

And you know what you can do on a trampoline though? Some pretty sick flips.

Lex (00:48:25):

Oh yeah. So yeah, mostly I'm like, how high can I jump? Like how many butt jumps can I do in a row without getting tired? Can you crack the egg? 

Jordan (00:48:35):

Can you what? 

Lex (00:48:36):

Crack the egg? Like you have one person sit in the middle and bunch themselves up in a little fetal position. And then everyone else jumps and tries to crack the egg.

Jordan (00:48:42):

Wow. I feel like you had far more significant trampoline experiences as a child.

Lex (00:48:46):

We had a trampoline when I was growing up. 

Jordan (00:48:48):

Ahh. We did not. We briefly had a trampoline, but it was not ours and it was on our roof for the duration of its existence in my life.

Lex (00:48:57):

That can't be safe. 

Jordan (00:48:58):

We didn't put it there. 

Lex (00:48:59):

Yeah, no, we had a big purple lined trampoline and this was before trampolines were required to have netting around them. 

Jordan (00:49:07):

Oh boy. 

Lex (00:49:07):

Yeah. No, I think my sister hurt her back pretty bad at some point when she fell off. But I don't know that never happened to me, but I do think my parents got rid of it at some point, maybe when I was in like middle school. But anyways, I did grow up on a trampoline, not on a trampoline. Oh Jesus.

Jordan (00:49:23):

That’s a niche in the dystopian, young adult novel market that hasn't been filled yet.

Lex (00:49:29):

That's true. I will say I've slept on trampolines.

Jordan (00:49:32):

Oh yeah. Trampoline sleepovers is the way.

Lex (00:49:35):

Trampoline camping, trampoline sleepovers. Uh, have a good old bonfire. Good old Midwestern after the football game on Friday night, you go over to your friend's house. They have like- 

Jordan (00:49:44):


Lex (00:49:45):

No, cause it's not moms, moms aren't involved. So there's just like Cheetos and Mountain Dew. And then, you know, you got the, a trampoline out by the bonfire pit. And so you have a bonfire. You go inside, you watch the scary movie and then a couple of you are brave enough to go and take your sleeping bags out to the trampoline. And then halfway through the night you go back inside, cause you did watch paranormal activity and you could not fall asleep because you were in the woods. Oh, I love Southwest Michigan. What a time to grow up. Anyways so we decided to name it the dopamine trampoline because trampolines are really fun and happy and dopamine is also a nice and happy thing. And a lot of these things are the things that make us feel happy and ready to go jump on some trampolines. 

Jordan (00:50:23):

Heck yeah!

Lex (00:50:24):


Jordan (00:50:25):


Lex (00:50:26):

What's making you hop and down and do some sweet flips on that dopamine trampoline?

Jordan (00:50:31):

Ooh, this is a throwback dopamine trampoline. And it is in fact, a hyper fixation in the traditional sense because I'm sure as Lex will tell you later, this has kept me up many nights and this is my family's ancestry. I got into like the ancestry.com thing when I was in middle school. Because you know, as I've mentioned before, I had normal child hobbies as a very normal child.

Lex (00:50:58):

I think that's pretty common of like wanting to know where you're from, where you came from. And a lot of teachers, I feel like when you're in elementary school or middle school or we'll assign like family tree, this is so, you know.

Jordan (00:51:08):

This is true. I just, I got into it very significantly in a, like that was my summer project for a summer is just I would spend every day on ancestry, calling family members, trying to amalgamate all of these things and upload photos. And I just got very into it. It didn't get super far into it in middle school because I was a middle schooler and I eventually got distracted by other things. And because my family history is extensive and kind of complicated. There was a lot of, of sorting of who did what and where and when, with whom and a lot of cousins that I realized weren't technically cousins in this traditional sense. And I went, Oh God, that's not my cousin. That's not really my aunt. That's just my mom's friend who hangs out here. Cool. But that makes it a little more confusing. So I did my best and I discovered like my great-great-grandparents middle names and it got about that far until I moved on to other middle school things like calling payphones to talk to strangers and wearing miniskirts over jeans and things like that. 

Lex (00:52:16):

Nice. Mine were plaid skirts over jeans. 

Jordan (00:52:18):

Oh, I respect it. Sometimes I went for like, it was just a black skirt, but it was like a two tier ruffle skirt. Sometimes I’d change it up and throw it over some chords. And that was a very cool look. 

Lex (00:52:28):


Jordan (00:52:29):


Lex (00:52:29):

I can't talk. I had a green ruffle skirt that I wore over my flared Abercrombie and Fitch pants.

Jordan (00:52:36):

Oh, I love that. Oh, we love a boot cut. That's not true. I can't wear boot cut jeans anymore, but- 

Lex (00:52:41):

I have a lot of flare pants. 

Jordan (00:52:42):

That's a whole nother thing though.

Lex (00:52:44):

Yeah. No. And it's also just the vibe for me. 

Jordan (00:52:46):

Yeah. And you don't wear skirts over them. 

Lex (00:52:48):

No, it's true. 

Jordan (00:52:49):


Lex (00:52:50):

I don't. Sorry this-

Jordan (00:52:51):

Anyways. Okay. I recently, however, got back into researching my family history kind of unintentionally because I was Googling things. Don't worry about it. 

Lex (00:53:03):

As you do. 

Jordan (00:53:04):

As you do. And I stumbled upon a 200, some odd page, historical document tracking I believe 14 generations of my family that was assembled by people I have never heard of. So that was a wild time.

Lex (00:53:22):

Yeah. I said it then. And I'll say now if your family history, you know, if they trace it back that far, it's not that weird that you don't know the people who made the list. I said this to Jordan that night. And she was like, yeah, but still they know where I live.

Jordan (00:53:38):

It's less of the, I think you, people are weird and more of a, you know, way more about me than I do about you. And that makes me uncomfy.

Lex (00:53:47):

Fair. I mean, were there names on the list as well?

Jordan (00:53:51):

Now that I'm thinking about it? I don't know. I think they were.

Lex (00:53:54):

Because if they are, then you can go and look up where they lived and then you'll know exactly the amount that they knew about you. You know?

Jordan (00:53:59):

This is true. Well, now I know what I'm doing after we record today. Anyways. So I got to learn a lot more about my family history and clarify some things because there were family urban legends that we were like, Oh yeah, that might be true. We can't confirm or deny, but sure. We're probably related to Mark Twain. I believe it. Still don't know about that. But I do know that I had some people in my family with very interesting names. 

Lex (00:54:24):

Oh yeah. 

Jordan (00:54:25):

So generally my family history is a source of interest to me. But specifically I'm like obsessed with some of you people. If you're listening to this from the great beyond my ancestors what’s up?

Lex (00:54:40):

Our pillow fort has turned into the seance room, apparently.

Jordan (00:54:43):

Yeah. We're not conducting a seance. We're just saying like, Hey.

Lex (00:54:46):

Our apartment is haunted. It's fine. 

Jordan (00:54:47):

Yeah. What could saying a few more dead people's names do?

Lex (00:54:52):

How about you give it a go and see what happens?

Jordan (00:54:54):

Sounds good. So next up, what you are going to hear is the list of best and worst ancestor names. These are compiled mostly from this document, but here are some of my favorite, really horrible names. We have Rufus Zem Bauer. We have a guy whose name was Guy Lewis Wink. Thank you for that. She winked if you didn't catch. That in and of itself, it's not a terrible name. But what I love about this particular branch of my family tree is Guy Lewis Wink had a child named Rita Wink who married someone whose name is just listed in our family tree as quote, Hootie, unquote. And that's spelled H U D Y not like Hootie and the Blowfish, Hootie. Like HUDY. And that's all we know about this person. 

Lex (00:55:41):


Jordan (00:55:41):

We also have a Glenn nickname Bus Stalker. Not only is his last name, Stalker, S T A L K E R. But somehow got the nickname “bus”. 

Lex (00:55:54):

As you do. 

Jordan (00:55:56):

What do you do, what do you do? What do you do to get the nickname bus?

Lex (00:56:00):

You follow the buses. 

Jordan (00:56:01):

Oh, okay.

Lex (00:56:02):

You violate the privacy of the buses. The buses get a restraining order against you.

Jordan (00:56:08):

And you become Glenn, the bus stalker. 

Lex (00:56:10):


Jordan (00:56:10):

Fabulous. Sorry, Glen. Still doing better than Krummel Mortimer, which sounds like moldy cereal.

Lex (00:56:16):

Yeah. That's like- 

Jordan (00:56:18):

It's just bad. 

Lex (00:56:18):

Just a soggy vampire.

Jordan (00:56:20):

But it's not as bad as the best one the worst list. My ancestor whose full name was Andrew Jackson Pee. PEE, Pee. Andrew Jackson was a terrible president.

Lex (00:56:50):

Andrew piss Jackson. Not my piss president. 

Jordan (00:56:58):

Andrew Jackson Pee. Rest in pee-ce. 

Lex (00:57:02):

I hate you.

Jordan (00:57:03):

We need to move on. This is just going to get worse and it's already real bad. So let's move on to the best list. 

Lex (00:57:10):

Yeah. Let's get away from the piss oriented names. 

Jordan (00:57:11):

The piss emporium. So these were some of my favorite names. These are the ancestors who I feel like probably would have been super cool people starting with Dirk Overcash. This person's first name was Dirk and their last name was Overcash. And if that doesn't sound like a really quirky old Western HBO adult comedy, I don't know what does. Uh, so HBO call me.

Lex (00:57:36):

Does HBO even do comedy? I think they just do violence and sex and like really wildly inaccurate period pieces. 

Jordan (00:57:44):

Hulu then? Do you think Hulu would pick it up? 

Lex (00:57:46):

Hulu would just be like, Oh, you have a character named Dirk? Just add him to Letterkenny. 

Jordan (00:57:51):

How about Netflix then? 

Lex (00:57:52):

Sure. I guess. I guess.

Jordan (00:57:53):

Okay. So Netflix call us. 

Lex (00:57:57):

We also have a lot of other ideas. Netflix, Hulu, HBO. 

Jordan (00:57:59):

Probably not HBO. 

Lex (00:58:00):

Probably not HBO. We're not really your market, but uh Hulu, Netflix, YouTube TV. Pop. Yeah, please. We have so many ideas. 

Jordan (00:58:09):

You know what we also have is a Bertha Grace which in and of itself does not sound particularly out of the usual, but I really, really respect that apparently she went by Bert. 

Lex (00:58:19):


Jordan (00:58:20):

I love that. 

Lex (00:58:21):

It's a really good name.

Jordan (00:58:21):

It is a really good name. I really respect- 

Lex (00:58:23):

Who's your favorite famous Bert?

Jordan (00:58:25):

I can literally only think of Bert and Ernie.

Lex (00:58:28):

Bert from-

Jordan (00:58:29):

Bert from Mary Poppins. 

Lex (00:58:30):

Burt's Bees. The bees are Bert’s. The bees that Bert owns.

Jordan (00:58:34):

Uh, for some reason, I was imagining there was a bee named Bert.

Lex (00:58:37):

Well, it says Burt's bees. 

Jordan (00:58:39):

Maybe- Bert’s like the queen. 

Lex (00:58:40):

And it's- but it's got an apostrophe. 

Jordan (00:58:42):

Maybe Bert's the queen bee. So queen bee Bert? Queen bee Bert’s a good one. I’m still gonna have to say it’s a tie between Bert from Bert and Ernie and Bert from Mary Poppins. 

Lex (00:58:51):

Mine’s Bert from Mary Poppins. Hands down.

Jordan (00:58:53):

Okay. That's so valid. He’s wonderful. He's very charming.

Lex (00:58:57):

Dick Van Dyke. I love you. 

Jordan (00:58:57):

I do too, but that's a different ancestor story for a different time. We also have a Vesta Pearl, which is a very fun one. 

Lex (00:59:06):

So fancy.

Jordan (00:59:07):

I know it sounds very classy. I'm sure she owned a lot of nice brooches. And are you ready for this? 

Lex (00:59:12):


Jordan (00:59:13):

My personal favorite. 

Lex (00:59:14):

Oh God.

Jordan (00:59:14):

My ancestor Hannah Berger Teeter. 

Lex (00:59:18):


Jordan (00:59:18):

Hannah. If you're listening from whatever plane on now, thank you for being you. 

Lex (00:59:24):

Hannah Berger Teeter. 

Jordan (00:59:25):

You are the patron Saint of this house now. Your name is Hannah Berger Teeter. That is three separate words. 

Lex (00:59:32):

Hannah Berger Tartar. 

Jordan (00:59:34):

Hearda Berger Terda.

Lex (00:59:35):

Hana Berger Terder. 

Jordan (00:59:36):

Herga Baga Teeter.

Jordan (00:59:41):

Yeah. She, when I find myself in times of trouble, Hannah Berger Teeter comes to me. 

Lex (00:59:48):

Speaking words of wisdom. Let it Andrew Pee. Thank you. Thank you.

Jordan (01:00:15):

Oh, Hannah Berger Teeter we are really in and out. Uh, we do have an honorable mention.. Oh yeah. Um, Root Beer is in the studio now everybody. 

Lex (01:00:25):

That's my cat. 

Jordan (01:00:15):

She's a very sweet girl, but my honorable mention ancestor whose name is not super wild, but his life sure was is Looney Urkel who lived from 1855 to 1930. And in that time he apparently invented paper cups, nickel candy machines, something just listed as restaurant conveyors, which I can only imagine are those things in the fancy sushi restaurants, which was very ahead of his time for like 1910s, 20s America and then killed himself. So he got a lot done in his short, tragic time, but RIP in peace Looney Urkel. 

Lex (01:01:02):

So bummer. But yeah. All right. 

Jordan (01:01:04):

What have you got for us today, Lex? What are we bouncing with? 

Lex (01:01:07):

Uh actually before I get into my dopamine trampoline topic, Jordan, I would like to detail the night that you discovered all of these names real quick. Cause it's about what? 10:00 PM. 9:00 PM. 10:00 PM. When you were- 

Jordan (01:01:20):

Somewhere around there, yeah like 9:30. Yeah.

Lex (01:01:23):

And I'm just sitting in my room and I just hear, Oh no. Oh what? Hello? Hello. And I'm like sitting in my room, just like, what the f***?

Jordan (01:01:31):

It was very disconcerting. 

Lex (01:01:33):

I walk out and Jordan is just staring at her computer and she's like, there are people who know my name and where I live and there's a, she like goes through, it's very jumbled explanation of what's happening. And I'm like, okay, are you good? And she was like, yeah, no, I'm good. 

Jordan (01:01:47):

I was not good.

Lex (01:01:48):

Like, she was not good. But she said, she was, I was like, okay, I'm going to go back in my room then and then a couple of hours later, I come back out. She's still on the couch, out in the living room has worked the next morning. She's a Baker. So she has work at like 6 or 7:00 AM the next morning. And it's like probably midnight at this point. And she tells me some anecdotes. And this is when I hear about the fateful Hannah Berger Teeter and Andrew Jackson Pee and other such people in her ancestry. And I'm like, okay, are you good though? Are you good? And she's like, yeah, no, I'm good. I'm good. I'm fine. I'm good. I'm just going to like, I'm going to research this for a little bit longer. And then I'm going to go to bed and, you know, whatever. And I have like 5, 10 minutes and I'm like, okay, cool. I love you. Goodnight. And I walk into my bedroom and then, you know, I don't sleep very much at all. And when I do it's late. And so at like 2 or 3:00 AM I come out of my room, go to the bathroom, maybe get a little snack. And Jordan is still in the living room in the same spot on the couch, eyes bloodshot only illuminated by the light of her computer and the dim string lights that we have hung up in this room.

Jordan (01:02:53):

It was like 250 pages.

Lex (01:02:55):

And she was reading every single page of this document, just listing people's names and ancestry. And she was just going and going. And finally, I was like, Jordan, it's like 2:00 AM. And she was like, okay. Yeah, no, I know I need to go to bed. And thankfully by the time I was coming back from the bathroom or kitchen or wherever I had gone, she was packing her things up and going to bed. 

Jordan (01:03:14):

I ended up in bed by like 2:30. 

Lex (01:03:17):

Yeah, no. So in the spirit of knowing that Jordan was going to share that, I decided to share something that makes me lose the sleep.

Jordan (01:03:25):

And what is that Lex? 

Lex (01:03:26):

Video games, video games, video games. Nice. That’s actually what I have it written down as in my notes is vidi games. 

Jordan (01:03:32):

I didn't know that, but I knew that. 

Lex (01:03:33):

Yeah. And when I say video games, I really do mean all of them. If you give me a video game to play, even if I'm not having a good time, I at least want to play it for like an hour or two before I make that judgment call, you know? And, uh, I tend more towards RPGs. You know, I have an account on steam because I don't have the money or the resources to actually have any consoles at this point in my life. But I grew up on Nintendo Dreamcast, PlayStation. I never had the X-Box, you know, I never was privy to an X-Box type of life, but grew up very solidly on Nintendo with a healthy dose of PlayStation games and also a little bit of Dreamcast in there, which was fun.

Jordan (01:04:12):

Keeping the variety a little spicy. 

Lex (01:04:15):

So my brother, who is eight years my senior, I was his annoying little sister and he taught me how to play video games specifically the first quote, unquote big kid game that I ever played was the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. And my brother taught me how to play when I was about six or seven. And the first time I ever beat Ocarina of Time is when I was eight years old. Did I have help from my brother? Yes, but not much at that point. So I've asked him about this since then. And I was like, Hey, so I have a lot of really fond memories of either just sitting and watching you play Legend of Zelda or watching him play Resident Evil or Sonic or whatever. And then sometimes you would let me play and we would play Bomber Man and Super Mario or stuff.

Lex (01:04:58):

So like I have really fond memories of that. Do you have fond memories of that or was it just annoying? And he was like, I think I was just kind of annoyed, but I'm really glad that we had those times when you know, you were little cause obviously we still bond over those things now. Also my brother was our first podcast listener. Thanks Adam. 

Jordan (01:06:16):

Thanks Adam. 

Lex (01:04:17):

Um, the reason I'm bringing this to my dopamine trampoline specifically in solidarity with Jordan on losing sleep is because video games are the number one way to keep me from doing anything productive or healthy or good. Because if I sit down and start playing a video game, it will just time warp me. And then the next day I'm like still playing the video game and it's like 5:00 AM. And I'm like, Oh s*** it's 5:00 AM. I need to sleep.

Jordan (01:05:43):

Yeah I don’t think I saw you for like the month that you got into Stardew Valley.

Lex (01:05:47):

And that wasn't even the month that I got into Stardew Valley. That was when I re- got into Stardew Valley because they updated, he had the, it was like the big overhaul update with the addition of like the winter market and you know, all this other stuff, but Stardew Valley is a big one for me these days. Cause again, I don't have any consoles, so unfortunately I've not been able to do any of the fun switch games. I've not hopped on the Animal Crossing train because I just can't afford to get a switch. So that's where my lifes at, but I do have a steam account. And so I have access to a lot of PC games that are Macbook friendly, which is fun and good, you know? So like the most common Stardew Valley, Sims, Sims 4 has really been a fun one for me. 

Jordan (01:06:26):

Nice. The Sims games are like top tier eat your time. For me, I'm not even a video games person. And I spent most of my middle school summers just not even really playing Sims, but like watching other people play Sims.

Lex (01:06:39):

I can watch people play video games for days too. Like I can watch YouTube streams and Twitch streams for hours just get taken right back to just sitting on the couch next to my brother while he played Resident Evil. And for some reason I was like, this is really fun. Yeah, no. So, uh, some examples from earlier in my life though, of times where I just would play a video game and not stop, uh, persona three was a big one. I would go to my friend Nick's house and we would play video games and I would just keep playing persona three until finally someone was like, Hey, it's like time for us to either sleep or to leave or to go get Taco Bell and refuel. Basically my main thing as a middle schooler and high schooler once my brother was out of the house, uh, Super Mario Sunshine, played that so much.

Jordan (01:07:27):

What is for those of us who are not familiar, Super Mario Sunshine.

Lex (01:07:31):

So Super Mario Sunshine is a Super Mario game that I think was released first on GameCube. And GameCube was probably my biggest video game console in terms of time spent. And also the fact that it wasn't my brothers or my sisters, it was mine that I played on that. So Super Mario Sunshine is a game where you play Mario from the classic Super Mario brothers franchise, Nintendo, you know, and you have a little jet pack full of water. And you go to this little Island to go on a vacation with Princess Peach. And then it turns out that there's all this stuff happening. And there's like these evil paint monsters that have like put paint all over the Island. And so you have to go around and clean the Island up. 

Jordan (01:08:11):

Oh, okay. 

Lex (01:08:11):

Yeah. And you have a little jet pack hose thing. 

Jordan (01:08:14):


Lex (01:08:15):

With water in it, I'm doing a really great job of explaining this. I just assumed everyone would know what Super Mario Sunshine is, but it's a very happy game. Very sunny, very peppy music. 

Jordan (01:08:24):

Sounds very like community support. 

Lex (01:08:26):

Yeah. Well it was so, it scratched that itch of there's a bunch of dirty stuff and you just spray it with the water coming out of your jet pack. 

Jordan (01:08:36):

Oh nice.

Lex (01:08:36):

And it goes away. 

Jordan (01:08:39):


Lex (01:08:39):

So it's just very like, yes. I like this quite a bit. Yeah. So Super Mario Sunshine was a big one for me. Uh, Legend of Zelda, keeping in line with my childhood Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. Those were my main two big Zelda games that I would just pour days and days and days into with my friends or by myself up there was a monster rancher game, Monster Ranger 3. I believe that I would go and play with my friend, Becky that we would put so much time into.

Lex (01:09:05):

Um, there was even like a Neo pets video game that I put a lot of time into at one point. Um, there's a lot, but the main ones for me were always GameCube Legend of Zelda games, Super Mario Sunshine and going into high school and then into college and more recent times it's been more like Persona 3, Stardew Valley. When that came out, that was a big deal. You know, I, I also, I have a real soft spot for Dream Daddy, which is a-. Now I can't even call it a video game. Like there are some many games, right. But like, you can't even really call it a video game. Cause it's more of like a story. Well, it is a video game, but it's not the traditional, like the- 

Jordan (01:09:44):

It’s a dating SIM. 

Lex (01:09:45):

Yeah. It's a dating SIM, but for dads and it's so queer and so good. And it just feeds my feeds, my little heart. 

Jordan (01:09:52):

It's very wholesome. 

Lex (01:09:53):

Oh, it's so wholesome. Oh, I love it so much. 

Jordan (01:09:56):

The story’s good too.

Lex (01:09:57):

The story is good. It's about a dad who moves to a new town or no, moves to the other side of town with his daughter and it's her senior, junior year or whatever. So she's going off to college soon and you meet all these dads who are also single. 

Jordan (01:10:11):

And ready to mingle. 

Lex (01:10:12):

Most of them are ready to mingle. Yes. Some of them, you kind of have to work at it cause they've been through some stuff. So you get to know all these different dads and like you get points and whatever, based on what, how you answer the questions and it's, it's a dating SIM, but it's so fun. And so funny, like the jokes are so good. So yeah, I do have a soft spot for dream daddy and I, that is another one of those games where I just like played it straight through without even thinking about it. What what's that? 

Jordan (01:10:38):

Oh, I was going to say, speaking of jokes. 

Lex (01:10:40):

Do you have another one for me? 

Jordan (01:10:42):

I do. 

Lex (01:10:42):

She’s got another ADHD dad joke. 

Jordan (01:10:44):

Are you ready for this? 

Lex (01:10:45):

No, but bring it.

Jordan (01:10:47):

So uh I heard that there's a new clothing store at the mall. They said it's for edgy teens with ADHD and it's called Off Topic.

Lex (01:10:57):

Well, we had a good run. Uh, love you so much. I'm going to move out now. It's good. Also we did get a lot of feedback on our first ADHD dad joke. All of you love it. Which I got to say, I don't respect your humor, but-

Jordan (01:11:13):

I got to say, I love you all a lot and I feed off of your validation. So thank you.

Lex (01:11:18):

Hmhm, yeah thank you for that dad joke. Yeah, that's great. Uh, and that's pretty much helps wrap up my little dopamine trampoline is that I, video games, video games, video games.

Jordan (01:11:28):

Good times. Thank you for that Luxe.

Lex (01:11:31):

Of course. Uh, I heard that we have some listener questions.

Jordan (01:11:34):

We sure do. We have two of them that we wanted to touch base on and get some answers to you. The first one is how do I support a loved one who may have undiagnosed ADHD? And that comes from an anonymous audience member. Do you have any advice you'd like to pass on?

Lex (01:11:52):

I mean, my main piece of advice is just be patient. And be communicative.

Jordan (01:11:58):

Yeah. Not knowing exactly what your relationship is with this person. There are a lot of different things that you can do. But some things that I know that people do for me who are friends who are artistic creators, who are co-workers do that are super helpful, is stick to a schedule when you can, when you're making plans with that person, especially if they're regular. Um, and if this is someone you spend a lot of time with and do a lot of things together, time warnings are super helpful. If you're out with this person or you were planning to do something with this person, giving the like, Hey, we have to leave in 15 minutes, Hey, we have to leave in five minutes. Hey, are you still on to hang out today? Like those sort of things are super, super helpful for me. I know that along those lines, being a body double, when you can, in terms of supporting that person, if there is something that they need to do, like sit down and do paperwork or whatever, or finish cleaning the house that is not fun. And you have the time and mental capacity and willingness to that's super helpful. Don't take their symptoms personally. They're not forgetting about you or blowing you off or interrupting you because they don't care about you. That's not something we can always help. It's totally okay to be upset by those things, but it's not your fault. And along those lines, separating your loved one from their symptoms can also be a helpful mindset to have because it's not their fault either.

Lex (01:13:13):

Yeah, no, I think my concern here is that you are seeing their symptoms and not how their brain is working, you know? And so that's a sensitive thing to work with. So I think Jordan's advice is all really helpful and good. And I think that goes for anybody.

Jordan (01:13:28):

I am realizing that I probably should have given you a little bit more context. I don't know the relationship that they have with this person, but the specific circumstances where like this person can't get a diagnosis because they can't afford a doctor. 

Lex (01:13:41):

Okay. Got it. 

Jordan (01:13:42):

So sorry about that. 

Lex (01:13:43):

Okay. So it's undiagnosed because they can't afford to get a diagnosis, but they think they- 

Jordan (01:13:45):

But they’re seeing a lot of symptoms. Yeah. 

Lex (01:13:48):

Okay. And the person who has undiagnosed ADHD thinks they have ADHD. 

Jordan (01:13:52):


Lex (01:13:52):

Yeah. No, that would have been helpful. 

Jordan (01:13:54):


Lex (01:13:54):

Um, so we have enough good advice in there, I think. Yeah. 

Jordan (01:13:56):


Lex (01:13:57):

If you do have any other concerns, we can help you as best as we can as podcasters. But again, we're not medical professionals, we're not therapists, we're not psychologists or psychiatrists or any of the above. So. 

Jordan (01:14:08):

This is true. 

Lex (01:14:09):

Yeah. Second question I believe was from my brother himself, right? 

Jordan (01:14:14):

It sure was. 

Lex (01:14:15):

Yeah. He asked me in response to our first episode of the statistics surrounding ADHD and how many people live with either undiagnosed ADHD or just the sheer amount of people that are diagnosed. Adam was wondering, does it lose its meaning if everyone, all of a sudden is finding out that they have ADHD. 

Jordan (01:14:34):

That's a great question, Adam. 

Lex (01:14:36):

It is. It's a great question. And I think it's something that we do need to wrestle with right? As content makers, uh, who are centering our whole podcast on ADHD and the fact that we have ADHD, I think it doesn't necessarily lose meaning the more people who have ADHD, I think the more people who have ADHD, the more research and more ways that we can help people with ADHD will come to the surface. And I think if there's this many people, you know, maybe we, instead of looking at what does it mean that so many people have ADHD. It's more a question of how do we look at our society? What do we need to change about our society to be more inclusive and to allow for different ways of thinking and different patterns of thought. Like, we need to look at the ways that people who are neurodivergent have to hack the system. 

Jordan (01:15:24):


Lex (01:15:26):

Because if there's so many people having to hack the system, then maybe it isn't a great system to begin with. 

Jordan (01:15:30):


Lex (01:15:31):

Which kind of gets away from the initial question of, does it lose its meaning? But my initial thought is no. What about you, Jordan?

Jordan (01:15:36):

I agree with that wholeheartedly. And whether or not you have a diagnosis, if you are listening to these tips or you are looking at things online, or you're seeing another post of someone who says I have this ADHD problem and here's what I do to fix it. And that works for you. You are still allowed to use that toolbox. 

Lex (01:15:55):

Oh yeah. Oh yeah. 

Jordan (01:15:56):

You are still allowed to- 

Lex (01:15:58):

If it helps you function better. It helps you feel better. Can’t tell you what to do or what not to do, but this isn't, uh, an exclusive thing. Like ADHD is not an exclusive club where, Oh, well you aren't diagnosed or you don't have all the symptoms all the time, so, mm, sorry. You actually can't reward yourself with M&M's after you read each paragraph. 

Jordan (01:16:20):

Hmm. You don't have major executive dysfunction. Who do you think you are trying to color code your calendar? 

Lex (01:16:24):

Oh yeah. Um, excuse me. You need to leave. So yeah. Thank you so much. If any of the stuff we said helps great. 

Jordan (01:16:33):

Right on. 

Lex (01:16:34):

If it doesn't help, then, you know, let us know. 

Jordan (01:16:36):

Yeah. We want to hear it from you. 

Lex (01:16:38):

Let us know what we can do better. Let us know what we could do worse. I don't know. Reach out to us, talk to us on social media or at our website. And again, we're just overwhelmed. We're pretty overwhelmed with the amount of love that we've gotten after just three episodes. So thank you all so much. 

Jordan (01:16:54):

Thank you all for being here. 

Lex (01:16:56):

Oh, Hannah Berger Teeter. We're really in it now. 

Jordan (01:17:00):

This has been another episode of, Or, Learn Parkour from Wholehearted Production Company. 

Lex (01:17:04):

Yeah. You can find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and most other places cool people listen to podcasts.

Jordan (01:17:10):

Special thanks to the fantastic Krizia Perito for our cover art. You can find her at Petal Hop. That's P E T A L H O P on Instagram and Etsy and Twitter now, so go say hi.

Lex (01:17:22):

Yeah. Thank you to Tom Rosenthal for our intro and outro song, “There is a Dark Place” off of “Keep a Private Room Behind the Shop.”

Jordan (01:17:30):

Very good album. You can follow us on the social media as well. We are @orlearnparkour on Twitter. We are @wearewpc on Instagram and we have a whole website. That's wearewpc.com.

Lex (01:17:42):

Yeah! And we will have links to all of the above stuff in our episode description for you as well as links to our sources and transcripts for each episode.

Jordan (01:17:51):

If you liked this podcast and you would like to hear more from us, the best way to do that is to subscribe to this feed on whatever cool podcast app do hickey thingamajig you are listening on.

Lex (01:18:03):

I do you want to just reiterate, thank you so much. Episode four, it feels like a big step and a big change already. And we have almost 69 regular listeners are so close. Two more, come on. And to get those to other people, we would love it. 

Jordan (01:18:18):

We sure would. 

Lex (01:18:19):

If you could support the show by sharing it with your friends, with your family, maybe not your family, actually. It's not the most family-friendly show, but at least your family that's true. Your found family. But yeah, sure. Share our show please. And leave us reviews on iTunes and such. If you feel so led, we do have a Ko-Fi and the link to that is in our Twitter. It is a weird time right now, but also we are not big enough to get sponsors yet. And so if you're feeling generous, um, yeah. Thank you so much, everyone.

Jordan (01:18:50):

We would love to hear from you. We are so thankful for everyone who's listened to us so far. You're all wonderful. 

Lex (01:18:57):

This is true, Jordan. I have a, a question for you. 

Jordan (01:19:01):

All right.

Lex (01:19:02):

It's related to your ADH dad joke. 

Jordan (01:19:06):

Yeah. Lay it on me. 

Lex (01:19:06):

You talked about off topic and I was wondering what's your favorite store in the mall? Like what was your favorite store in the mall when you were younger?

Jordan (01:19:16):

Oh, man, this answer is not going to surprise anybody. When I was a youngster, when I was a spring chicken, there was a store in our mall that was, if I remember correctly called gadgets and goodies, and it was a kitschy little kitchen supply store, like an off-brand, like Sur La Table, like Williams-Sonoma situation, but small towns so they also had those little flower fairy figurines. And it was right next to the Cinnabon. That's mine. What was yours?

Lex (01:19:45):

In a plot twist that will surprise nobody at all. Whatsoever. Mine was Hot Topic. 

Jordan (01:19:52):


Lex (01:19:55):

Shut up. Stop it. Stop that.

Jordan (01:19:58):

All right. This is been Or, Learn Parkour. We will see you in two weeks!  

Lex (01:19:55):

It's not my fault that they had the Naruto headbands. Okay. 

Jordan (01:20:04):

That's your fault. 

Lex (01:20:05):

It's not my fault that Hot Topic had the Naruto merch.


[Outro Music: There Is A Dark Place by Tom Rosenthal].